SHE IS A . . . .

Living Your Own Legacy
Conscious awareness takes life to a new level for us here on earth. It makes you stop, pause, question, and self realization begins to awaken something inside, like a spark.

The Art of Storytelling
If you stop doubting and fearing your own feelings and thoughts, you may realize your experiences can be so much more than you can possibly imagine. There is joy even in the messiness.

September Monthly Energy Update
We are in the season of where the world puts the face back on and gets back in line to get back into the organized world. Not bad nor good it simply just is.

Hope Left Today
Hope is good for the soul, but always hoping to be enough kills something inside of us slowly.

July 2024 Full Moon Reading
Full Moon in Capricorn, July 2024. What was happening for you back in 2008? This Full Moon energy brings endings for the past as you prepare to move forward.

The Long Road Back to Joy
Today start by not being, and doing to yourself, the things you don’t like being done to you or said to you. Make it a mission to try not to steal the joy from the moments that lift you up and make you smile.

Wine & Chips
Now available on Amazon! Wine and Chips is a story written on behalf of many women. A story of the truth we are censored to speak as a world of free speech are illusions of a truth that has always been a lie.

Humility is not a punishment
Humility calls us up and out and gives us the option to grow and evolve. It reveals the whole story, including our own role, and that’s the part most people hate to see. Perspectives are difficult to accept. It’s easy to blame someone else. It’s easy to complain. It’s easy to repeat the patterns. It’s not so easy to allow ourselves to so-call fail, fall, or not to be first or the so-called, star.

Your body is sacred
This back was well prepared to be strong. But nothing could prepare this body for the weight, the stories and pain. All of which we don’t get to avoid because our greatest gift is the ability to see and feel life.

Returning to the Roots
There comes a time after digging through the dirt and clearing the debris where she discovers the shell of the seed of self that once was. She remembers she was the seed, divine and pure. She decides in that moment to begin to grow from the seed’s original plan, this time remembering that she was not the weeds but something more powerful.

Moving Through the Pain
Pain is not new to me, but new pain is a reminder of how in the past I put my selfcare last. This is a place I can’t return to again. How I treat myself now has changed drastically, but the body carries the damage as a reminder to not allow myself to go back to the old ways.

Stop Trying to Please the World!
When you start to realize the reasons why you are pleasing the quirks, demands, insecurities, and fears of yourself and others, you start to realize what’s really needed is possibly being neglected.
Living Beyond the Human Knowledge
You and I are spirit, we are our souls imagination into reality. Why? To release the karma (the patterns) so that we can create a life that’s called living. A life of More Than Existing!

To the little one you used to be!
The world will try in so many ways to take your magic away. Many will make wishes for you and place their thoughts in your head, but you are the wise one. You may not know how to express it yet, but you still hear the whispers and see the world beyond.

The past few years has been a true journey of alchemy.
Life has not been easy, not always kind and required some deep soul searching. It’s been a humbling experience. When you are blessed with vision as a seer and you fully become open, you start to see even that which is not easy to see, including yourself!

Channeling the Guardians & the Deep-Rooted Connection
When emotions are involved, assumptions are so easily made.
A key element of emotional maturity came through the ability to stop creating stories in my head that would give me permission to feed the emotions that allowed me to return to a state-of-being that would have me reacting and responding in old ways.

Make space for the child
How do you find that divine child? How do you nurture the essence of the wounded child story? Make space for the child waiting to be understood so long ago, tell her/him you believe them, believe in them, that you see the fairies, the dragons and imaginary friends.

Are you there God?
Dear God, I understand clearly that I may be a lot of work. I get that I have failed myself behind closed doors, but is it true that I can’t fail you, I can only fail myself?

God is Within You.
Where was God when I needed him the most? When through the eyes of a child you can see the cruelty and unjust. When you witness shadows of an image of what appear to be adults walk past little children in need and do nothing at all. The child has to wonder, because they still feel the home fire and love within.

Channeling the Divine Through Art
Channeling the Divine through art gets you lost in the layers. No plan, just pure trust. Listening and allowing the emotions to flow. Revealing the good, bad, and ugly of the moments. When I hear, “Paint me beautiful”, I know the thoughts are in an ugly place and the Divine within is about to turn the story around.