Are you hearing the call to step forward as a Lightworker?
Lightworkers are being call up and out from around the globe. This is a time of transformation and potential to rise to a higher state of consciousness and increased vibration, but first the work starts within Self.
Are you ready to take the journey into More Than Existing?
More Than Existing™ Lightworker Certification is a self-actualization coaching program designed to help you see and believe in yourself, by learning to make you a priority, and to truly understand that you matter! There are 4 Levels in total within More Than Existing™ Lightworker Coaching Program where students can work towards certification as a More Than Existing™ Lightworker Coach, or choose to take certain Levels for personal self empowerment only.
More Than Existing™ Lightworker Certification Levels
The Level 1 More Than Existing™ Lightworker Certification is packed full of self help tools, proven methods to assist in removing blockages, and guidance as you learn to empower yourself to build a strong foundation and claim back your power, light, and worth.
Over a series of 22 lessons participants will explore:
Past-life healing
Addressing F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real)
Understanding spiritual contracts
The power of words. How to change your language to support a healthy you.
Increase wealth and worthiness through removing barrier's.
Create a strong foundation for your life.
Learn how to build the life you want to live.
Gain an understanding of universal laws.
Harness the Power of Love
Explore the energy body and power of Inner Alchemy.
Learn how to forecast and project healthy goals.
Create a maintenance plan for your life.
Gain the tools to set yourself up for success!
Strengthen your faith in self
Learn to trust your intuition and understand instincts.
Explore your identity and gain clarity on your values.
Explore your habits, beliefs, and behaviors that limit your potential.
Explore various Archetypes and character roles.
Bring to life your dreams and visions! You are the foundation of your greatest empire, it all starts with you!
No prior training / instruction required.
Must be 18 years of age or older
To be notified of our next Level 1 offering please join our email list.
Level 2/3 More Than Existing™ Lightworker Coaching is a soul journey through the reflection that’s beyond the surface.
Are you ready to take the adventure beyond the reflection and discover that you have the power to decide to say yes to the you that you are yet to know?
Here we return to love, finding the treasures as we restore the courage to dive deep into the untapped chambers within.
Learn to embody the divine and live empowered to honor your own divine self.
Reconnect and restore the long forgotten relationship with your true essence.
Open to all students who have successfully completed Level 1 of the More Than Existing™ Lightworker Coaching Program
To be notified of our next Level 2/3 offering please join our email list.
Level 4 More Than Existing™ Lightworker Coach Certification ties together knowledge gained within the first three levels of the More Than Existing™ Lightworker Coaching Program and expands deeper on the foundation of YOU before reaching up as a Certified Lightworker Coach.
Becoming a Certified Lightworker is a serious dedication and journey into surrendering over EGO and trusting in the Divine Channel
Open to all students who have successfully completed Level 3 of the More Than Existing™ Lightworker Coaching Program
To be notified of our next Level 4 offering please join our email list.

Lisa Richard
Lightworker Coach
Michelle Gibson
Lightworker Coach
Roxane McGuigan
Lightworker Coach
Tracy Leggett
Lightworker Coach
Carol Johnson
Level 4 Grad
Krista Bellefeuille
Level 4 Grad
Linda Green
Level 4 Grad
Linsey Burt
Level 4 Grad
Monica Kraehling
Level 4 Grad
Shauna Vogel
Level 4 Grad
Sherry Villeneuve
Level 4 Grad
Verna Lalonde-Hubler
Level 4 Grad
Carlene LaFarge
Level 3 Grad
Ellie Durgan
Level 3 Grad
Joy McGregor
Level 3 Grad
Lyanne Lamarche-Willier
Level 3 Grad
Samantha Kemp
Level 3 Grad
Stacey Churchill
Level 3 Grad
Wendy Heap
Level 3 Grad
Angela Perrier
Level 2 Grad
Patricia Riddell
Level 2 Grad
Rachel Sound
Level 2 Grad
Sheri Payne
Level 2 Grad
Shirley Thorne
Level 2 Grad
Angela Cameron
Level 1 Grad
Christine Wolf
Level 1 Grad
Collet Raymond
Level 1 Grad
Connie Strickland
Level 1 Grad
Crystal Bourke
Level 1 Grad
Danielle Geddes
Level 1 Grad
Hailey Johnstone
Level 1 Grad
Jennifer McCoy
Level 1 Grad
Jessica Cameron Vermette
Level 1 Grad
Lisa Russell
Level 1 Grad
Mandi Auger
Level 1 Grad
Mary Schroder-Prince
Level 1 Grad
Megan Richard
Level 1 Grad
Mel Miller
Level 1 Grad
Melanie Halcrow
Level 1 Grad
Oonagh Neilan
Level 1 Grad
Rhonda Croteau
Level 1 Grad
Sasha Lawson
Level 1 Grad
Teresa Daines
Level 1 Grad
Tina Hunwick
Level 1 Grad
Tracy Lee Keryluk
Level 1 Grad
More Than Existing Testimonials
What has this course done for me? Well, first and foremost it has taught me how to love and trust myself. This is so important and because of this my life has changed so much for the better. It has taught me a lot about perspective, and looking at things differently which I really needed in my life. Corrie has created a space that allows her students to learn about who we are and bringing out our true authentic self.
- Mandi
To sum up what the More Than Existing self-actualization coaching program means to me is difficult because there are so many levels to this program. I had no idea how much I yearned for women in my life. Women who loved me for my heart, who didn't judge and who were wanting to heal. In addition to Corrie, we were also blessed with our mentors who guided us with such love, wisdom and gentleness, always there whenever we needed them to hold space for us. I could go on forever about the MTE program and about how it has begun a change in me that is only the beginning. You need to experience this for yourself! If you find yourself asking for more or wondering if there is more to life, this is the program for you. It is time to make an investment into yourself. You will not regret it.
- Jennifer
I was broken and lost after the loss of my son, and started this course with a nudge from my sister-in-law. I didn’t know who I was and why I was even here to put it bluntly, but over the last 6 months I have learned to love myself. It’s not my job to heal others, I can only heal myself. I have learned I am worth everything and so much more. I love the support this course has given me. These amazing ladies have listened to me in some dark hours and have lifted me up and I am truly thankful for them. I have learned that I am Stacey! I am strong! I am courageous! I am not perfect, and that’s okay. I am a work in progress and again I’m okay with that. I am worth the work!
- Stacey
I own my past and present and future. I no longer hold a victim mentality. I am accountable for all the things unhealed versions of me did and now the healed version of me takes actions based on faith in myself.
- Rhonda
The most rewarding experience is how much this schooling translated and confirmed that I was doing what means a lot to me and those around me with the other science based and personal based courses I took along the way. I’m excited to continue and achieve the level 2, 3, and 4 of this amazing schooling.
- Joy
After several one-on-one coaching sessions with Corrie, I began to realize that I had a lot of self-discoveries to do, that there had to be more to who I am and why I am the way I am. I realized I was in the right place after week two of level one of the more than existing program. I began to realize my self-talk changing, I was beginning to be my own hype girl. Digging deeper into to my foundation and beginning to re-frame my mindset. I began to see my dreams beginning to unfold to become achievable. Noticing little things change was only the start to validating my decision to put me first. Then came the big things like being comfortable saying NO to my loved ones, to setting boundaries, and putting myself first. Sounds selfish I know but learning you are valuable, that you are not an endless resource for others to lean on was mind blowing to me when I began level one. I was a people pleaser, I cared so much what others thought of me that I isolated myself from the world, from possibilities. Today I can say yes to opportunities, to chasing what I deserve, to giving and receiving unconditional love, to showing my daughter that life has so much to offer us, that by putting in the work to heal from the inside out you are giving yourself the best possibility possible to achieve the impossible. Today as I look to begin level four of this amazing program, I know that I am strong, I am worthy, I am loved, I am a part of a community of amazing sisters who support me through any hiccup or success that may cross my path, I am …. More than existing.
- Samantha
I had the privilege to immerse myself into this awakening journey within this course. I was not sure what to expect and to be honest. I went in blind. I am so very appreciative to have had this opportunity. Corrie’s classes are one of a kind. There is no sugar-coating through the sessions, which is awesome! As a result, you are able to learn so much of you … the essence of you. There has been many aha moments. Corrie is able to let you see yourself in a different light. This course is the beginning of getting back to who you truly are without all the stories of your life. I cannot express how thankful I am for this experience. I am so looking forward to learning more of my true self.
- Hailey
This program has taught me to keep being my authentic self, trust my inner guidance and to look beyond what is. There were so many synchronicities and ah-ha moments throughout this level 1 for me! I was surely at the right place at the right time in my life to participate in this level! Thank you to all the teachers for your shared knowledge and wisdom!
I feel honoured and grateful to have been able to have gone through the More Than Existing™ self-actualization coaching program and to have gone through it with wonderful women who supported each other. I’m sure we all felt vulnerable, nervous and unsure of what the journey would look like in the beginning. My self-esteem was at an all time low and I was in the process of healing from an unhealthy relationship, using food to comfort myself, so like everyone else here, I wanted to change and more than ‘just’ exist. With the help from my soul sister Corrie and everyone in our group, I was able to start digging deep and face the things I didn't want to face with a renewed determination and faith that I am worthy! I am a work in progress, and will continue to focus on loving myself and always shining my light in this sometimes very dark world, and to be a beacon for those searching for their light.
- Angel
When I first approached Corrie about taking this course, I was in a bad place . My love had just gone missing, I had just returned home from searching for him, I was suicidal and didn’t plan on being here for long. But I knew that those were unhealthy thoughts and that I needed to stay here for my daughter. I also suffered from depression for years prior due to the losses of my sister, my cousin who was like a sister, then my love. I knew that the grief and depression were two different things and that the depression would come back again. I knew I needed help and I was tired of just existing. So I signed up for the course and showed up. I made sure to carve out the time to commit and told my family it was my grief course and they were supportive of that. More Than Existing™ has helped me tremendously. I know that I would not be as far along in my healing journey as I am now, if it wasn’t for this course. I am still grieving and going through some heavy stuff, but I can see a time beyond all this when my life will be beautiful again and I am so looking forward to continuing my journey.
- Rachel
In the beginning I had mixed emotions as I was afraid of meeting new people, afraid to speak my truth, and had a fear of change. I am so grateful that I took that leap of faith anyway as I have found a supportive group of like minded women. Knowing I wasn’t alone, knowing the similarities among us, and making the connections with everyone, is in the end what pushed me through and allowed me to fully dive in and be okay with whatever happened and let it be. I realized that sometimes when you try to force things a certain way you become inflexible in seeing these opportunities in your life arise, because you’re stuck in this goal/vision you have and that’s the way is has to be, missing out on a pathway that may have opened up for you. What I have taken out of this course is to love myself, to step up and out into the world with an open heart, be flexible to change, and to trust. Trust that I am guided on my journey and that things will happen the way they were meant to and to let it be. I learnt to go with the flow of life, rather than swimming up against the current. I would recommend this course to any woman who is looking or seeking something, even if you don’t quite know what that is or what it may look like. Have faith, and take the leap!”
I am thankful for the experience and privilege to have taken the MTE Level 1 program. I am proud of my perseverance and honesty in laying my past to rest and to begin a new journey of self-love and healing!
- Ellie
I look back at me in the beginning of level 1, I was a giver, pleaser, and fixer of and to everyone but myself. I always put my wants and needs on the back burner and thought nothing of it. My life was great, I had everything I needed, or so I thought. As I’ve travelled through these past two levels, I’ve journeyed, imagined, and learned a lot about myself and others. I always try to see and accept others for who they are, which made me realize, I became a different person for every person in my life (mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend). I forgot who I was!! This journey has taught me to look for and see me!! The good, kind, compassionate, strong, and intelligent woman I have always been but always kept shoving her aside for everyone else. Today I stand proud and tall in asking people to accept me as me and I don’t hesitate in walking away from those who can’t or won’t accept that. Today I am a woman who has learned to love every part of me and my crazy, and plan to continue growing and loving me and the life I deserve!! I AM ENOUGH AND WORTHY OF MY LIFE TO MORE THAN EXIST!!
- Wendy
Balance, connection, peace within. So many amazing possibilities start unfolding when you choose you. Level one is starting my journey back home to me. I am learning how to honour, love, respect and build unconditional trust within myself. More than existing has taught me so many tools that I will continue to carry forward to allow myself to let my masculine energy to step back. My desire to open up my divine genuine feminine self has come from a lifetime of constantly being on the run. As a former truck driver, heavy duty equipment operator, and construction labourer. I am learning I am safe within me. I am safe to listen, to find balance and most importantly feel the emotions I am designed to feel. As strange and foreign as it may sound to some people, I would have rather drove a fully loaded semi down the highway than sit in a room full of women. Truth is, I have never sat in a room full of women. This was my first experience and these ladies within this group made this such a safe and welcoming environment to be in. It’s ok to be uncomfortable with the unknown. That’s how the most beautiful growth happens. Of all the things you can do for yourself, choosing to “more than just exist” may be one of the most life changing journey’s you can take.
More Than Existing is really a movement! I have known so many women (myself included) who have become their roles and labels placed on them by others and themselves, and although those roles are special and important, they leave us searching for a deeper understanding of who we truly are. This program, the beautifully gifted instructor, and supportive mentors, helped me to see that the answers we seek are within and to be open and honest with myself in answering questions I hadn’t thought to ask. The process is not always easy but was always supported by the group of amazing ladies and infused with healing that is tangible. I felt encouraged and never pushed. This course is an individual journey in that we all walk our own path, but following a path laid out by the women who walked it before us and a path waiting for more to follow. It has changed how I see. Join the movement!
- Jessica
The More Than Existing™ self-actualization coaching program changed my life drastically. Throughout the course I was able to find myself and understand the true impact I can play in this world. It let me define who I am, who I can become, and what I am capable of. The beautiful thing about this journey is that you don’t have to do it alone. You have endless support from the teacher, mentors and others in the course whom you get to create amazing bonds with. I am extremely thankful that I got the opportunity to be apart of the program as it has changed my life in countless ways.
- Megan
It has been a great pleasure being a part of the Level one More Than Existing self-actualization coaching program, and getting to know Corrie. She has taught us over the last 6 months to dig deep into WHO WE ARE. She is such a natural leader and so at ease with all kinds of people that I believe she has all the qualities of a good life coach. Corrie has been leading me and many other woman with examples on how to deal with situations out of love regardless of the pain it may have caused. She always uses the basic principles of life such as doing the right thing, following your heart, and being happy. Learning to accept what was, and beginning a journey without affecting my mentality with a saddening past is truly what the “More Than Existing” program has taught me. That no matter what occurred in the past – that was then and we need to learn to live in the now. Corrie, the mentors, and woman in my Level One group have been my inspiration in everything I do. I just know from the heart that this program has changed my life and it can easily change anyone’s life in a positive way.
- Collet
When I first started the More Then Existing Level 1 self-actualization coaching program I was searching for answers, and honestly looking for someone to blame or something to justify my negative mindset and the choices I was making. In this safe, loving environment I was provided invaluable tools and committed myself to do the work. Once I trusted my feelings, I could feel the shift and the healing take place, allowing me to find the answers I had been searching for. I have found who I AM.
- Lyanne
From the depths of disparity this course has brought me to a place I only dreamed of. MTE has touched all parts of my life. I mean all parts. My personal growth has been so remarkable I became a stranger in my skin. Who was this person I was finally willing to look at in the mirror? I had avoided her for so long. She is so peaceful, and she mattered. I will learn so much, I will blossom in so many directions. It never mattered the colors I wore now; I pick clothes out with intention of the mood it brings forth. The words I use because I am listening, they matter. Everything matters now, it empowers me, it frees me to be me. Things I thought were weird about me will become my gifts. I will embrace all of me and embark on a journey out of my miserable darkness into a peaceful quiet acceptance. Sure, I still struggle you don’t go from self-hate to self-love overnight. Every day is a new adventure for me. I never know what beauty will unfold everyday no matter how hard the beauty is there and not only do I see it I feel it. Now I feel things again to be able to rejoice is a beautiful thing to feel pride and gratitude oh so many wonderful feelings that were buried under the clutter in my mind. Yes, I’m a stranger in my skin she grows on me though I’m learning to love with her. MTE has touched my relationship with my children in a huge way. I have been so detached, now we reconnected in a much healthier respectful way. My little business I have has gone from me being unable to ask my worth when it came to money to customers saying, “name your price.” Holy shit, never seen that coming! It’s one of those surprises along the journey. Again, I’m awkward with this newness but I’m a quick study and getting stronger with “naming my price.” Now that’s worth. Spiritually was also a subject that I needed to come to terms with. Who and what was God to me? I will explore, learn, find my truth, and learn I’m truly spiritual and it brings me peace. Yes, in all directions of my life I have been so blessed to have found MTE to have crossed the path of Corrie and her support staff. My gratitude is deep so very deep. Always with freedom to be you, make your own choices, and the joy of finding yourself and the beauty that we keep hidden in plain sight but cannot seem to reach. This is a course for all ages, for all genders, races, and religions, for there is no judgement this is where all are loved, encouraged, and given so many tools to help us cope and grow. So many tools you’ll need to bring a wagon for all the gifts you will receive. All you need is an open mind and curiosity.
- Julie
Corrie Thorne - Cameron
A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.
Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”
I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.
I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.
Much love, Corrie