September Monthly Energy Update
We are in Virgo season, an earth sign that is practical, organized, and a total opposite energy than the Leo season we just left behind. Leo is fire, passionate, and larger than life. Virgo season is about systems, structure, organization, and can feel like a fun time for some, but very depressing and restricting for others.
I remember as a child the only thing I liked about going back to school was the new clothing and seeing friends I had not seen during the summer months. It was stressful, restrictive, and not something I could understand at the time, yet tied deeply into my design.
There was simply too many things that we were told, “That’s just how it is” that made absolutely no sense to me. But that’s simply the human existence of life and the system of just existing in the story of, “That’s just how it is, that’s just how we do it!”
But what if . . . .
The heart, the mind, and the soul of a child with no one to help her cultivate a deeper understanding of her abilities had to always find a way to come to understand herself and that’s not something they teach you in traditional school, sadly! Hidden in the structure of the school’s library was a few self help books and those I would take home and read like a bible. They began to make me, my thoughts, and feelings make sense. I began to understand what I was. In the system, I found a way to safely navigate through life. I love to share the energy updates so that others can know that what they are feeling is not that something is wrong with them, it’s all about what is happening in the energy.
School was filled with people, and people are energy. When I walked inside the doors of the school all day long I was hearing, feeling, seeing, and sensing everything that was going on. I knew what the teachers were going through the moment I walked through the doors, and I had no idea that not everyone else was feeling, seeing, and sensing the same thing. I thought that’s just how it was and it was only when I was a grown middle aged adult did I realize that that’s not how it was for everyone else. If only we had of known more back then.
Now we do know more, and so not every energy update will resonate or make sense but it is what it is. Just like kids and parents, not all kids will enjoy or thrive in school and there is a deeper reason why. Not all parents will understand a child who does or doesn’t like structure. They are so much more than their physical appearance and they are not like you. This is why it’s important to be open.
Here we are in the season of where the world puts the face back on and gets back in line to get back into the organized world. Not bad nor good it simply just is. If I recorded these energy updates as well organized and perfected to make everyone feel comfortable than that would be an ego update to satisfy the shadow and how things should be. Life is what it is, and I shall go with the flow.
Much Love,
Corrie Thorne-Cameron
Revival of the Divine Feminine "The Goddess Within" Masterclass Series
The Way of the Mystic
Live Online Wednesday's @ 6:30pm MST
4 Weeks (Sept 18 - Oct 9, 2024)
Over a series of 4 separate (90 min) Masterclasses we will explore Channeling, Prophetic connections, rituals, the power of prayer, and sitting in the power meditations as we make connections to the mysteries and mysticism of the past, present, and future. All classes are held live online and recorded for those unable to attend the live airings but wish to be part of the magical journey.
Instructor: Corrie Thorne-Cameron
Corrie Thorne-Cameron
Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.
Creating a beautiful life is my only way!
Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”
I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.
I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.
Much love, Corrie
Published works by Author and Creator, Corrie Thorne - Cameron
More Than Existing
My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection
The Everyday Goddess Oracle Cards - From Shadow to Truth