Channeling the Guardians & the Deep-Rooted Connection
Channeling the guardians and their connection to using the trees as a vessel or conduit to connect to humanity, guided me to a deep-rooted grounding with the deep-rooted truth within myself and about my true strength and worth.
Connecting to the tree of life, the relationship to the human body and nature, is the divine’s way of guiding, grounding, and reminding us of what would become of humanity if there were no trees.
Roots that get torn up and disregarded weakens the foundation of that which grounds the earth. A force powerful enough to break through concrete!
Everything has a purpose. Just as the wisdom from your past experiences has a purpose for you. Yet somethings can be like weeds that must be sorted out.
A concrete world will eventually collapse without that which brings life. We need the roots, the middle, the top, and that which we can’t yet see. It provides all that is needed to sustain, support, align, and work as one.
This has been a massive journey into my own healing to discover how deeply rooted emotions and unhealed trauma exist.
On a recent trip back in April 2023, I felt the need to stand under the big, beautiful giants. As I stood under the Weeping Willow trees, I heard “Remember our name was man made. We created something on earth so that we could connect and relate but we don’t always understand each other.”
When emotions are involved, assumptions are so easily made.
A key element of emotional maturity came through the ability to stop creating stories in my head that would give me permission to feed the emotions that allowed me to return to a state-of-being that would have me reacting and responding in old ways.
Here I was guided to stand as the tree. Unmoved by the fear response to emotions, shifting my perspective to an inward movement. This is what I discovered through the connection in that experience:
At the root I know I have felt this feeling before, yet this moment has never existed before today!
If I felt sad touching a dying tree, it was not the emotions of the tree I was feeling, it was my own. It’s easy to tell yourself what you are feeling is someone else’s emotions and not yours when you know their story. But in truth the activated emotional response belongs to you. Usually giving you permission to create a story or to activate your response.
The tree was in its cycle, its season, and had no desire to try and fix what I had happening.
Returning home and sitting in contemplation, I noticed my lemon tree and remembered a story the divine had not so long ago guided me through to not only let go, but to evolve my emotions. Here is a recollection of that story:
I have been growing a lemon tree for the past few years. Last summer 6 lemons started to grow. I felt my excitement grow and I was talking to the tree, encouraging, and inspiring the tree and the lemons to keep going, hold on they could make it.
One day one fell off in the wind and I felt myself become a little sad. But there was still five, so I got back on my faith train and everyday I nurtured and loved the tree.
Then one morning, one of the crows whom I feed became curious and ate one of my little, still green lemons. I was so angry. I got mad and started calling the crow names. Yet the crow was unfazed by the experience. As for me, I was not so willing to let it go. I had to tell my people about the anger and the crow. I had a story to go with anger.
Anger had a face, and then it faded back. I had hit back into the emotions of hope and faith. Fall was coming, the leaves were falling, and one little lemon was remaining. One little now yellow lemon. I took my now pitiful looking tree inside and every morning I would reiki the tree. I would encourage it and inspire the lemon to just hang on for one more day. That it would make it.
As I was sitting there in the early morning one day the lemon spoke back. The message was so profound. This I know was the guardians and the divine connection within myself. The lemon tree was a reflection of myself. The lemons were the aspects of myself that I fought so hard for. What I thought was the best of me, yet it was crippling me. There was a self that was to become, but I had to stop fighting so hard to hold on to everything and everyone. I had to stop allowing others to reflect their emotions into me. Allowing others to reflect their unhealed trauma unto me and trying to fix what was not wrong with me.
I spent a lifetime trying to be better and fix what I was activating the most in myself - love. Love that would not reflect back the same. The loyalty and dedication I had to saving a tree taught me so much about the one in me that once wanted to save everything and everyone.
Not everyone wants saving, but everyone wants to be fixed or healed. That emotion was my own and I have truly turned that love around. I am not the same person I use to be. But when that last lemon fell, I cried for me with love. This woman has been to hell and back trying to simply be kind and love everyone.
Some people want what you have to give. They want to trigger the emotional response of guilt and shame so that they will have what they need.
That day I buried the lemon in the ground. I said my goodbyes. I wrote a eulogy, a letter of gratitude and appreciation to the strong woman who had so much pride in not failing or letting anyone down.
In burying the lemon, I knew I was also planting a seed that I could release – sad. I was allowed to be love angry when another disregarded, disrespected or tried to pass their emotions on to me.
I sat with the guardians, and I laughed so hard that joy entered from my toes to my head. Life is not going as I had planned but what is alive in me and what I can’t convince anyone of as I appear like the lemon tree with no lemon, or the weeping of the willow, is I appear broken because physical pain has a hold of the body. Yet the guardians have me watering the seed within and this is the divine.
This is the joy that arrived and trust me it’s growing. How do I know?
No one’s emotions can guilt me.
I turn mirror reflections back around.
I released the need to perfect or find something else of me to heal so that I can be enough.
I, like the trees and the guardians, are fully alive. It may not always be pretty, but it will always be me.
Much love,
Corrie Thorne
Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.
Creating a beautiful life is my only way!
Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”
I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.
I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.
Much love, Corrie