Living Your Own Legacy
As a trance channel and medium I spend much time communicating with spirit. I also spend equally as much time connecting and listening to the stories of people here on earth. But the one I have spent the most time with has been myself.
When I am connecting and listening to spirit often the stories and messages don’t fully align to the story of the loved ones here on earth, which leads to a curiosity and deep dive into their lives. People often come back with a, “OMG I had no idea!” or “That’s not what we were told.” A story is only true until a new truth makes it a lie, but many times it’s not an intentional lie, it simply is the only story you may know at the time.
We as humans exist mainly in the unconscious awareness of simply existing and responding to life without any real thought. Habits, beliefs, and behavior patterns become as automatic as breathing. Believing and living from the ideologies and opinions created by others, turned into your beliefs, confine us to the boxes of life. Living with many secrets, and dreams being hidden in shame so that you can fit in the box, living as a character in the preconceived notions and beliefs of who you should be in the roles. Judgmental eyes with thoughts coming over the lips as words turned to stories of who they think you are. A habit of thinking thoughts to create a story that becomes the predetermined legacy that goes on until someone says, “Stop!”
Conscious awareness takes life to a new level for us here on earth. It makes you stop, pause, question, and self realization begins to awaken something inside, like a spark. This is where the connection is made to something more than the external world, to a version of self that was the whispers that at times became a roar. Once you know you can’t not know. Turning a blind eye, ignoring, and continually choosing to live a lie is a choice. Sadly that choice is chosen for many to simply not rock the boat, to not hurt feelings, to keep a story alive. To tell ourselves we are not wanting to ruin a reputation while all the fibers that hold the foundation of integrity are weakening. Living truth does not have to hurt another. It does not have to be shared publicly. Living authentically, is to live in your own version of your story, freeing yourself of the past, getting out of the box, no longer living as the character others created, and creating a legacy that will make others proud so that there will be a great story when you are gone. To live for everyone else is to not answer the call of the soul’s desire.
Too many people become a nobody, living in the misery of self-punishment and denial that to stay a somebody is to simply make someone else proud, or to be so-called loved and accepted. Believing that if you are not living conforming to the laws, rules, beliefs and systems that you won’t be a good person. Beyond the biggest lies of shame, guilt, and judgement, there is divine unconditional, unconditioned love. Yet all too often the story is, “If only…”
God-consciousness, sadly, many may only fully experience the depth of after the return home, detached from the confines of the “Box” of human flesh and mind. To come to realize there was always a divine existence that existed within while on earth. That you are your soul and your soul communicates in a way that many can’t hear. It requires going beyond the knowledge based on opinions, and into trust, wisdom, and faith that says, “Listen.”
I thought for you long ago that in telling my version of the story, and then evolving that story to be told from a much more mature and enlightened self, I would be creating a legacy for those that I love to have for when I was gone. But as I began a deeper relationship with the one that’s been with me the longest I began to feel a desire, a bit of a rebel that said, “Fuck it! Write it messy, live weird, let them talk, and live your truth!” With that I decided to become my living legacy. Not easy because the unconscious part of self is powerful, but divine power is more powerful than you know. Look at who and what has been fighting the most for you to stop chasing the life and dreams of others. Who makes you very aware of when you are becoming someone you are not! In-between is the conscious decision maker, judging what is right and what is wrong.
When we leave this earth it is the divine consciousness that makes it quite clear what and who we truly are. Love and light! But here on earth free will takes the wheel.
When I leave this earth my legacy will be as clear as it can be because I am correcting and creating it while I am alive. I will leave this earth as weird, odd, and misunderstood as when I arrived, but that’s the things about myself I love the most. I can’t even fit in the spiritual, or new age, box because belonging is not what I arrived to do. I arrived here to become the truest, most authentic version of myself and that doesn’t make me special, it makes a version of myself I denied to exist finally matter enough to shine.
This, I have channeled and discovered from enough time with spirit and humans to know the importance of living your own legacy and not creating a story to make others proud.
Much Love,
Corrie Thorne-Cameron
Corrie Thorne-Cameron
Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.
Creating a beautiful life is my only way!
Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”
I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.
I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.
Much love, Corrie
Published works by Author and Creator, Corrie Thorne - Cameron
More Than Existing
My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection
Wine and Chips
The Everyday Goddess Oracle Cards - From Shadow to Truth