God is Within You.
What you do with God is up to you.
Where was God when I needed him the most? When through the eyes of a child you can see the cruelty and unjust. When you witness shadows of an image of what appear to be adults walk past little children in need and do nothing at all. The child has to wonder, because they still feel the home fire and love within.
I get asked this question many times. I always felt the response from spirit was satisfying to some degree, but I have always known the answer was not fully being received by my human. I guess my human would run back to the warmth of my own stories. Maybe? I am not really sure why. Now I know the answer that aligns to my connection and believe that we may possibly be the land of heaven or hell embodied within the fabrics and threads of stories called conditioning. Waiting for God (or the divine) to come and letting the best of us die in the waiting or denying ourselves the possibility that the power of a God energy is real and has truth.
Why? Because I am now in a relationship with something so powerful within myself. Something I can no longer deny. A truth that a powerful force God, exists within my ability to see and that I can see the world through the eyes of God. A consciousness that changes our minds when we may want to run away. When life seems impossible, yet you discover a way because you simply don’t give up.
After speaking with someone who I consider family last night, I went to bed asking the divine for a response that makes the world make a little more sense to me. 4:00 am I was awakened and heard a voice say, “Step outside.” Listening as I do and with my bare feet, I walked onto the frosty deck standing in the stillness of the silence and the beauty of the frost. I knew for a moment I was in my half asleep state, a heavenly state of being.
As I gazed at my guardians and wisdom whispers of the earth (the trees), I heard God speak and my heart swelled. “I was there. I am there. I always show up. Yet because of where I am, I have to wait to see if the one human in control of it’s free will, will answer the call. Remember, all those that could have done something and did nothing at all, I was inside looking out waiting. I placed them there and I was the nagging feeling they denied. I could have done more, but I needed that human to reach out to be the helping hand. Instead, they went to their minds and thought up a story of why they were in that place. Why they should not have to reach out. I was there. I was inside of the ones who chose to do nothing at all. I was also in you the one wondering why. Now look at what you would do for someone walking in the footsteps of faith and hope yet have nothing at all. I am there. Sometimes the best of others is not.”
From the depths of my heart I responded, “Please God hold me in the unknown uncomfortable places when my feet get cold, and I want to run. Please God, guide me to know that when you speak from inside of me that my heart and my body lights up so that I can see the beauty of you in the dark. Please guide me to choose to respond for and through the power of you, and not that of the ego.”
God was there, but the best of another may not have been. Lightworkers are answering the call to the voice within, overriding the will to be afraid and to know sometimes we are stepping in when all others have stepped out and away. God (the divine, creator, source) whatever the name, has a life force so powerful within you that when you do the right thing for the right reason, there is no wondering if you did the right thing. It is simply the divine thing to do.
Much love,
God and Corrie
Corrie Thorne
Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.
Creating a beautiful life is my only way!
Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”
I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.
I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.
Much love, Corrie