Moving Through the Pain
A message from Corrie’s open heart to yours!
Pain is not new to me, but new pain is a reminder of how in the past I put my selfcare last. This is a place I can’t return to again. How I treat myself now has changed drastically, but the body carries the damage as a reminder to not allow myself to go back to the old ways.
Some of the things I have learned to do instead of falling victim to the pain is:
I sit longer in meditation, or I do walking meditations to move through the emotions. Most of all I create!
I no longer sit and get frustrated with myself or push through the pain. Compassion for self is a must. I listen intently to the needs of my body and the relationship to my soul self.
I create an environment the same as I would for a healing circle for others. Treating myself as I would others reminds me that I am as valuable and worthy of my love and attention as anyone else.
Remember, you and your life are the legacy and the masterpiece you leave behind!
Spiritual and artistic channeling is an innate part of who I am. I was born with these gifts. I ask the pain and my emotions to show me their faces and through this appears an image, then words, and often a message for myself or for me to share with the world.
My shelves are filled with journals of sketches, paintings, and writings. Some have become unpublished books and others are teachings and oracles.
I never know what it will be at the time because the only intention is for me to walk through this journey that I have been given to walk. I never intended to be this person, I kind of just appeared, the same way as the artwork.
Listening in silence as brought me to right here.
To find the beauty, to find joy and happiness, has been my mission and I am succeeding to discover this through the shadows I am not afraid to face. So, I guess, even though I am walking this pain journey, I am the happiest I have ever been within myself. The beauty and contentment are mystifying and has taught me that magic and miracles do exist so never stop believing.
In my lowest moments I have bared witness to the most magical experiences, so keep walking! Hope, faith, grace all have faces. Pain has a story and misery is not where I exist.
Yes I hurt, but I am not hurting for the necessities of life. Even with a broken-down spine I still am blessed to live a magical life. I am supported by love because I stopped pushing away the beautiful people who were a reflection of what I could not see within myself. So, look closer so you can see beyond the old stories.
The Alchemist taught me that I could see the worst, or I could create and see beyond. I am gifted with the ability to see and work with what is beyond so I choose to take this pain journey and turn it into art that someday will come to life as inspiration to inspire others to never give up.
Beyond our worst day may be our best day! Keep going!
Much love, Corrie
Help Support Corrie’s Healing Journey
If you would like to help support Corrie during her healing journey, donations are gratefully accepted.
Corrie Thorne
Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.
Creating a beautiful life is my only way!
Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”
I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.
I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.
Much love, Corrie