Corrie Thorne-Cameron

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You Are Responsible for Your Thoughts and Actions

If helping another feeds the hunger of the inner victim, martyr, or the white knight, this is not heart centred or self awareness, it’s self serving. We all have played our parts in the lowering of the energy and it’s up to us to raise our gaze, energy, and our awareness to raise the vibrational frequency. To be aware of the patterns that become actions.

A very 3D way and very strongly imprinted into the fibre of the human being. The need to be …

The hope of causing another to attach to the same low vibrational frequencies by triggering the guilt and shame in another so that a cycle or loop continues.

I had a loop, a continual habit of guilty response by trying to overcompensate for what someone was so-called doing from the kindness of their heart. It came with a constant reminder of the sacrifice and suffering of that sacrifice. I would take full responsibility and try to make up for what was being done for me, now would feel like emotional manipulation.

As I moved closer to my relationship with the divine and God- consciousness I started to have flashes and realizations. That the divine never intentionally or unintentionally triggered a guilty response. Or that giving to me was causing God such inner turmoil.

A moment of truth, only humans are capability to apply emotions as weapons or curses.

I knew that the only way forward was to know it was my responsibility to feed my light and my truth, not my guilt. To look at the whole picture, how all unfolded, the why that had truths that were coded in possibly fear.

The 5D, thought comes from the brain of the heart and a feeling of remembering what it felt like to be in God and the Divine’s company and to cultivate love without motive around that place of where inner peace is encouraging.

Leading and inspiring, building a world around me that would keep me safe from returning to the habit of guilty responding. Trying to make up for something I didn’t do. The habit of feeding the habitual victim within can only stop when we stop feeing it all that it needs to stay a victim to the circumstances.

5D is a consciousness of being compassionately responsible of what we activate and cultivate within ourselves and the space we occupy. And so much more of course! This is a stage of dissolving the veils of illusions and shifting mindsets in a blink of an eye. How would it feel to not be judged by yourself or others? Inspired to be and do your best. Thriving not in guilt but in gratitude.

This was part of a message provided to me by the co-existence and well designed relationship between the Saints, the Angels, and God in visions that were provided to create the second teachings of my Diamond Affects Ascension Process Masterclass.

A healing journey I personally had to take through my own character traits and habits to realize I had a relationship to pain and with the pain in others.

An inner child trauma response to not being able to make everything better. I could not see I was just a child and the guilt laid on a child who was never really a child unintentionally to make someone happy. Words always thrown my way with, “What if I died? You would feel so bad!” My reaction was to jump in and save her, then she would laugh. It’s old energy and I am guided by spirit and no longer responsible for anyone’s emotions but my own.

When you stop accepting you are the cause of all that’s not right in another’s life you start accepting what needs to be redirected in your own life. From this place I have such compassion and kindness for where we all are as God and the divine have for us. We just didn’t know, and we have all been conditioned by fear.

Now leading from mercy, grace, gratitude, and most of all led my divine, magnetic love.

~ Corrie

For more on this week’s energy check out this week’s energy forecast message below

Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.

She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and

More Than existing is available for purchase through,, balboa Press, and Barnes&Noble.