My walk with the divine Mother Earth and her wisdom of love.
When I was me and the world around me wanted more of whatever it was that made me, I was good enough. Then they wanted me to teach them more, give more, and as they listened or received many were imagining ways they could improve me, how if I shared me and my gifts more could be like me.
How could they help create me into something different than what I was? But if what I was contained the magic of my essence, why would I have to change what and who I was? Why would I have to figure out and remember to teach another when all I ever did was show up, be present, and whatever came out came out? Why?
Because they had to find something wrong with me to make them feel good about themselves. So that they could tell themselves that they created me.
My weakness was in wanting to belong, so I played along until what made me so special in the beginning became nonexistent and I was then just like everyone else. I guess in a way that was the mission and the darkness that was here to dull the lights thought it had won.
But this light that was no longer shining outward was shining brighter within. All that I was for the world, I became for me, and this has ignited a fire that’s brighter than ever before.
I saw clearly what that of my own imperfection was, crazy, wild, and beautiful. I saw softness and edginess that did not need to be evened out or made safe. Respect the landscape and be respectful and aware of where you step.
I feel this and from the divine goddess of Mother Earth I have discovered this to be true for myself as I have peeled back the mask, washed away the stories of who I should be and how I could improve on who I was. I, like us, all are evolving, it’s when we get boxed in and forced into positions that are not natural, when possession replaces passion and we sell it as, “Come see the beautiful life I can give you!”
Through my journey to the core of the deepest and darkest I walked back out with a knowing that I always knew who I was. I stopped, listened, and believed in me.
Through the frustration and rumbling of Mother Earth, I heard her say, “See and they call it love!” Not one who is fighting on either side of the story are yet to get it right! All just have me to be the reason to be mad and they call it love.”
There is something called deep listening and in my personal frustration of no one was really turning of ego and listening, I could hear the earth, nature, and the souls hidden in the closets of the humans. Oh, If the world could see they would see love like never before.
It’s the beauty and the darkness of love.
Love is powerful and most have no idea they are playing with heaven and hell when you don’t know a truth about love.
Love from the mind’s creation will be like the desire to put an exotic bird in a cage, call it a pet, and believe you were giving it the best life. Admiring a bird, living in wonder and awe without any desire in capturing it is called beautiful, divine love.
If we had been conditioned to live from divine love, we would have always known the power of love.
It’s a flow, a dance, observing and living in the awe and respect. Learning free will leaves us at crossroads where discernment in the choice of the action can change the projection and the view of what will come next.
Life is filled with beauty, but fear steals the love of seeking to exist in a beautiful life. One of many reasons I write and create and allow the imperfections to be seen. One of my greatest teachers speaks in divine wisdom, not human knowledge, and the list of the ways to make everything pleasing or to make the world comfortable. It speaks to allow space to question and challenge yourself. Magic and love all work from the same power with a fine line so always heal the heart of the stories to be sure you are on the right side of the line.
Light will always allow you to see there is a beautiful way.
Much love,
For more on this Full Moon’s energy check out Corrie’s forecast message below
Now available for download - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection
Now available for download - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection 〰️
More Than Existing
with Corrie Thorne
We exist in a world created on illusions of the imagination’s ability to create. Most of what we stand on as truth is built from the views of old versions of ourselves or convictions we hold as truth from the stories of the mind’s view.
What if the story that you hold a conviction to today becomes a lie tomorrow? What do you do, defend it or question it? Do you seek a new truth? What and who is your mirror today? Have the courage to look deep into you before you reflect your emotions onto another.
Truth one day can possibly not be a truth that aligns to you the next. Have the courage to question your stories that became the whys to the ways you have lived your life. Not every truth you accept is a whole truth, it’s built on perspectives and opinions. Maybe your views are just that, opinions, and what if they are built on weak foundations?
How are your beliefs creating how you feel about yourself and your world?
What if your one victory today is discovering a new truth that may release a little of that judgement that’s had a hold on you?
What if one new truth transforms instead of living conformed?
When you free yourself of the convictions you are conditioned to accept the conditions that you live in change!
Corrie Thorne
Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.
She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and