The Tree: truths, lies, and a blossoming relationship with something outside of the box!
The day I would start to journey around the sun once more an unplanned move and a shift came. An unexpected, but very planned by the universe move, positioned me to live surrounded by well planned and landscaped trees, except for one. Or what I thought first to be one tree. Oh, there was so much to discover by this tree in the one place where as hard as man tries to put it in a box and aesthetically make it fit their world, plan, and cause, it’s really impossible to fit in a box. That is nature. Goddess Mother Nature. the ultimate truth of how a box was not created by God, it’s totally by the human.
Well, here is the story of me and the tree and hopefully you may discover a little wisdom to guide you as well.
This tree when we met was in early spring, my 51st birthday to be exact. Which actually happens to be April Fools Day. This tree from our first meeting evolved to becoming sort of like room mates, maybe friends. It’s in the front of my house appearing to me to just be an old tree, guessing perhaps a willow. I was excited to have a willow tree again as I had planted and watch one grow to a staggering height within a few years in my old life, then had to leave it behind as I was to move forward.
As I moved in, I would be excited as the tree grew little buds and the possibility of new life was coming. At a new low in my life, I was living through this tree. I spoke about this tree in classes, and how I had a big willow, along with many more trees. Some bearing fruit, and some not, but all I could tell the identity of clearly. As I also thought I knew this tree.
One day all of a sudden as the leaves were slowly appearing into May, new little buds appeared, and then white flowers into June. Well now my tree was no longer a willow and what I thought was a truth was now false. The eyes can truly be deceived, and we can want something so bad we dare not dive deeper into the truth.
I started to smell the sweat fragrance and told new stories about willow now being an apple tree and how I had memories of the smell and it filled my heart. A new relationship started to blossom and as the blossoms arrived, I noticed one side had small flowers, the other had much bigger blossoms, and at the bottom of the tree started to appear little yellow flowers. Now we were with three identities appearing. Three stories! What was I to make of this?
So now with new curiosity and a tree becoming larger than life we made a deal that I would not trim or cut it away and out of my life. Filling it with bird feeders and placing my chair underneath to meditate and write, I sat with what I was getting to know as a guardian, wisdom, a teacher. A reflection of myself as I had been in a place of not knowing who I was or what I truly liked or lived as new truths were being revealed to me. As those I believed they were as they said were revealing that they were not who they were fully. My life and the tree had become so much alike.
Well now as I sit to write this, I have discovered that it’s not an apple tree on either side it is actually a plum tree, and the other appearing to be like that of a berry. And well, the yellow flowers have just become like a skirt of greenery woven in and around protecting the fruit. We are all still trying to figure it all out, but one thing is for sure, we are all still growing in wonder and awe in the home where God planted us to grow.
Can you see through this story that this is such a reflection of truth and perceptions? Can we accept people, or do we know when to walk away when a new truth appears? We can speculate but until you are there, do we really know?
This tree and I spend many hours together and sometimes as my only companion for days. I have discovered new truths about myself, my life, and trust me I have wanted to run, but for some reason I am still here.
As I have asked others to be patient and accepting of the me I am becoming, I have discovered that I have to sometimes hold space for others as they unravel new truths for themselves. I will keep you updated if the green little balls hanging from the tree decide to reveal another new truth and become something other than a plum.
What do we do when a conviction to a truth reveals a new truth and all that you held so strongly to, then becomes a lie? Do you deny yourself the truth or do you accept what is and allow with faith? What would you do if this was you in any relationship other than a tree?
And now after a summer of unraveling, the truth is revealed. Rose gold plums that’s my tree. Brooks Golden Plums is one side of my tree, Purple Saskatoons on the other side, and a yellow flower at the bottom. A 3 in one tree. That’s us, not one of anything but a part of one. When we try to be one, we will stunt our growth.
Much Love, Corrie
Now available for download - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection
Now available for download - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection 〰️
More Than Existing
with Corrie Thorne
We exist in a world created on illusions of the imagination’s ability to create. Most of what we stand on as truth is built from the views of old versions of ourselves or convictions we hold as truth from the stories of the mind’s view.
What if the story that you hold a conviction to today becomes a lie tomorrow? What do you do, defend it or question it? Do you seek a new truth? What and who is your mirror today? Have the courage to look deep into you before you reflect your emotions onto another.
Truth one day can possibly not be a truth that aligns to you the next. Have the courage to question your stories that became the whys to the ways you have lived your life. Not every truth you accept is a whole truth, it’s built on perspectives and opinions. Maybe your views are just that, opinions, and what if they are built on weak foundations?
How are your beliefs creating how you feel about yourself and your world?
What if your one victory today is discovering a new truth that may release a little of that judgement that’s had a hold on you?
What if one new truth transforms instead of living conformed?
When you free yourself of the convictions you are conditioned to accept the conditions that you live in change!
Corrie Thorne
Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.
She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and