To the woman I thought I would become
I am no longer sorry or apologetic, but I am aware. I have gratitude and appreciation for the journey because look where we are today. Listening sooner would have saved much grief and pain, but I stopped responding to the world and started to respond to the divine and you.
To the woman I thought I would become, I see you now. You no longer need to try to satisfy my fears or suck back those tears. You no longer need to hide those insecurities. I can now see those insecurities are a part of the beauty that makes me really and truly transparent and visible to myself.
How could I have learned to care for my true needs if I had continued to put armour on that created an identity to hide that which made me doubt myself? I see clearly how that weight was too heavy for you. I never asked you if you gave me permission to lay more on you. This made me no better than anyone else that abused the kindness and the beauty of the woman I could not see.
I see through you, that love came with, “Suck it up!” Suck up the hurt and the pain and accept that which was unacceptable. I could hear you screaming at me to say, “No!” To not continue to say it was okay when it was not. There were some big moments when I should have not taken the high road just to avoid the chaos or the messy.
You knew you, you knew me. I didn’t know me, so I would question and doubt and seek you to find a way to correct or to destroy you from the inside out. I was the problem and not you. I heard you screaming inside my heart, but I put your needs and your voice away. Without allowing your light to shine, I suffered in believing I should sit down when it was time to stand up.
Thank you for staying and thank you for being the big mouth, the annoying nagging voice within that could see fairness, kindness, and compassion was a part of sometimes doing what felt foreign and that was to not care about those that didn’t matter and care instead about what mattered the most. I now stand for the you within me, and not the woman I tried to become. I know it will never be as I thought it would be, but it will be what you inside of me never stopped fighting for.
I hear you loud and clear. I made peace and we made up. I learned to listen, to pause and be sure to what I was responding and reacting to in the world of shadows and truth. I became honest with myself so that nothing outside of me would ever have me doubting again.
Gifted with the all-knowing, but as a human not knowing it all. I have seen in humility the gifts that are within are treasures that allow me to walk with humble pride, unapologetic, and knowing that the ability to see has granted me the beauty of seeing that what I am to truly become was more beautiful than I thought I should become. Now we are in sync. Now we (that is an “I”) will walk the way home on this last leg of the journey as the one with a peace in knowing. I chose to see, listen, and create this beautiful image of love so deep in the being, that love has become the way. Because of love, I will stop to pull the weeds, because no longer do I have to accept.
She Is….More Than Existing!™️
Much love,
Now available on Amazon - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection
Now available on Amazon - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection 〰️
More Than Existing
with Corrie Thorne
We exist in a world created on illusions of the imagination’s ability to create. Most of what we stand on as truth is built from the views of old versions of ourselves or convictions we hold as truth from the stories of the mind’s view.
What if the story that you hold a conviction to today becomes a lie tomorrow? What do you do, defend it or question it? Do you seek a new truth? What and who is your mirror today? Have the courage to look deep into you before you reflect your emotions onto another.
Truth one day can possibly not be a truth that aligns to you the next. Have the courage to question your stories that became the whys to the ways you have lived your life. Not every truth you accept is a whole truth, it’s built on perspectives and opinions. Maybe your views are just that, opinions, and what if they are built on weak foundations?
How are your beliefs creating how you feel about yourself and your world?
What if your one victory today is discovering a new truth that may release a little of that judgement that’s had a hold on you?
What if one new truth transforms instead of living conformed?
When you free yourself of the convictions you are conditioned to accept the conditions that you live in change!
Corrie Thorne
Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.
She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and