Replacing Guilt With Gratitude
This is Rose. Rose is the human character of the grape in human reflection and a story to how we associate and connect to a story so much we become the story and this becomes the identity.
There is a new book unfolding with new life being breathed into the writings. Rose is anxious to come forward, she is a part of one of the masks that I peeled back in finding my way to today.
Guilt ridden had created the identity believed to be that of who I was until I grabbed the bull by the horns, looked into her eyes long enough to become a conviction to a new truth, and declared, “NO MORE!”
Taking a soft stand to being guilted into pleasing, and evolving the thoughts and the language that became the vocabulary of the woman always questioning how much more she could do. Questioning her own behaviour and not the shitty behaviour, attitude, or belief of another.
Apologetic for being me. Why? Because of the unconscious intentions or the intentional intentions of another to continually point out, mimic, and mock my so called flaws and sensitivity.
The habit of shaming, followed by laughter that was acceptable but not really, but all would avoid. The response of, “Just get over it” becoming suppressed anger. Over time blended and bleed into the identity of strong willed, reliable, forgiving (AKA an emotional punching bag), the place to dump all that another felt they had the right to leave by yelling it all out.
Allowing emotional behaviours from tongues like swords, wounds became attitude. The healing over the untreated wounds became protection, still holding to being kind and caring, pleasing, and smoothing it over to keep the peace would mean never taking a stand to defend the self that was present.
The stories created and the character played needed someone to change the narrative. The one l had left behind became the one that said the first please. Please allow me to guide you to see all that was with a new word, gratitude.
I began a journey with gratitude for all that life had given me to see and to know that some day I would know when to use guilt in a new context and not as a character trait designed for manipulation through manipulative motives.
Through the power of prayer I learned, “Please guide me. Please show me the way beyond jumping and pleasing. Please allow me to understand that I will never be enough, or give enough to the unsatisfied in myself or others to bring out the light for them or that of myself to have gratitude, unless first they find a way to return to their own sense of grace. Grace and mercy freed me from the unhealthy way I was conditioned to believe was the way to be me.
The habits I despised the most became the one I became until I had exhausted myself all the way back to reaching my soul. At the door of my soul, I met the truth in the love I seen in the eyes of the woman visible beyond the reflection that day.
She, God, the divine was so happy to see me that day, grateful I had made the trip home. Grateful I had listened and not given up. Not one ounce of shame or guilt for how long it had taken, or that it had cost so much, that I had squandered so much time. The greeting was gracious and I wanted to apologize but the love stopped me in my track and the response was graciously kind, “Thank you for coming home!”
Not to visit, but to stay home. I found my way to where the safest of possible safe exist. Home to my truth.
Here guilt is an emotion to allow you to tell a truth and not a weapon to cause harm. Guilt became gratitude when messing up, and back to accountability and asking for guidance to the why of the attitude. A smile of love enters, “Thank you for recognizing.”
Those moments out of character are the moments when the old information reminds me to not go to the place and not to be someone I am not. For it’s not the world that will change but the one of I that graces the world, who now has great gratitude for the one who is becoming of her own creation not the one guilted into being.
Becoming with a gratitude for all that was has thought me that I too, like many others, walked through the shadow to allow the death of what was not suppose to have been, but the darkness of the mind is a powerful thing.
Please guide me through that which I am not strong enough to fight because I have no desire to destroy this delicate beautiful creation. I no longer feel guilty asking for help from those created to do the things I was not designed to do. Gratitude is support. Replace guilt with gratitude and your light will start to guide you back home to you!
From More Than Existing, to My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection, I am grateful for the woman I am becoming each and everyday.
Much love,
Corrie & Rose
Now available on Amazon - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection
Now available on Amazon - My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection 〰️
More Than Existing
with Corrie Thorne
We exist in a world created on illusions of the imagination’s ability to create. Most of what we stand on as truth is built from the views of old versions of ourselves or convictions we hold as truth from the stories of the mind’s view.
What if the story that you hold a conviction to today becomes a lie tomorrow? What do you do, defend it or question it? Do you seek a new truth? What and who is your mirror today? Have the courage to look deep into you before you reflect your emotions onto another.
Truth one day can possibly not be a truth that aligns to you the next. Have the courage to question your stories that became the whys to the ways you have lived your life. Not every truth you accept is a whole truth, it’s built on perspectives and opinions. Maybe your views are just that, opinions, and what if they are built on weak foundations?
How are your beliefs creating how you feel about yourself and your world?
What if your one victory today is discovering a new truth that may release a little of that judgement that’s had a hold on you?
What if one new truth transforms instead of living conformed?
When you free yourself of the convictions you are conditioned to accept the conditions that you live in change!
Corrie Thorne
Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.
She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and