What Does It Mean When I See 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666?

I remember as a child listening to my mother count down until her patience ran out and she would have to take charge. When I think of the angels, spirit guides, God, or any presence including our higher self, that’s them trying to guide me into growing and evolving. I chuckle and imagine that’s why I kept seeing all the synchronicities with numbers and patterns and I believe we were stuck on 1111 for a very long time as they waited for me to grow up, do the right thing, break free, and trust that there was a life for me. This is the easiest way I can explain those angel numbers 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and yes 666. I can say by the time 666 comes around that the patience has probably worn out and we will learn to listen in some big way.

I could only count to 1 when the thoughts in my head came spiraling back in, and getting to counting to 2 had a psychological pull to holding my breath as I considered what is next? 1-1-1-1 became all I had, but that’s where the magical journey began, and the miracles and synchronicities started.

I came into what I was later to know as a state of grace, and a feeling as if I had just buckled my own arm and heard, “Does life hurt enough yet? Have you punished yourself enough yet?” “Yes! Yes, I have! Mercy!” I screamed back so loud that I believe it started to rain numbers trickling down as synchronicities and patterns and becoming little crumbs of curiosity to keep me searching for more.

1,2,3,4 and 5 became a reason to keep inspiring and empowering me to look further and wider to see what this was to all mean for me. At the time I was not one bit concerned what it meant to another or their interpretation because it’s all just stories and I had enough of those already running through my head.

I was discovering possibilities for myself and creating a new direction as each appearance were like lightbulbs coming on in my mind and in my heart. With every awe, I would chuckle and wonder what does this mean for me? What are they asking of me? Where else do you want me to go? Was this a message from the angels, or was this some aspect of me? What if I am the angels that I see, and they are a vision of what is possible within me? What if my future self is sending me messages and as I look at the numbers, I keep rising my vibration, moving, and shifting into believing in me enough to make the decision, or take the leap? What if it’s me that is speaking to me from the other side of the walls of dimensions and every time, she sees me on her way around she is calling out saying, “This is your life, and your possibilities please keep coming for you have a life that allows you to breathe without fear. A life that is yours to live without concern for where the next dollar is coming from. Today we are freeing you, and tomorrow we will help you transform. Please don’t stop believing or let the dream die because I promise you your life is over here waiting for you!”

Understanding Angel Numbers 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666

Angel number 1111 will stay as long as you keep resisting the shift. The angels and guides will keep you counting 1 and 1 and 1 until you are willing to let go and get to 2. 11 is the master number and connects to the master of faith, love, hope, and change. YOU are the master of your choices, and as my mother would say, “No one pulled your rubber arm.”

Angel number 222 is significant in making the connection with spirit or angelic energy, as you are opening to the start of a new journey. You are being given clues and cues by paying attention to when and how the numbers are appearing to you, just like breadcrumbs being dropped on the path, you are maybe curious but hesitant to yet walk forward.

Angel number 333 is the love and support of coming into alignment of the mind-body-soul connection and a reminder that you are not to walk the journey without raising your vibration first. Seeing the 333 makes you curious and excited, providing that childlike energy, and you start to search to find more. It is important to raise your vibration so that you are free to move and not grounded and rooted in fear. Basically, what this means is you start to get out of your own way!

Angel number 444 calls out to you to not quit! You have come too far. It’s the encouragement reminding you of who you are, and YES you do have what it takes! All we need is within us. Go to the center, get centered, clear, and breathe into the heart of the matter. Just like being in the middle of the crossroads, it’s time to decide. Pick a path. Don’t let the chatter talk you out of staying balanced and focused.

Angel number 555 means the season of transformation and change is upon you and these changes are a huge part of the divine purpose not your controlled plan. An unexpected time when God, the guides, and the angels say, “I let you use free will but there is a God will within that is beyond your limited thoughts!”

Trust me this has been the last 3 years of my life and I am not going to lie it has been challenging, but when you start to hear, feel, and connect, when you step in and accept with the creed “I am done,” you open a door, and the journey begins. You can always use your free will to go back but don’t forget the reason why you walked away in the first place, do you really wish to return there?

This was a time in my own personal journey where I am uncertain if I was excited, but I was and still am determined not to fall back. I can fall, and that’s okay because when I stand, I am still in the same spot, so I don’t have to redo the lesson, I just brush myself off and start to walk again. Falling back is a choice and brings us into the gates of the 666 and why there is a monster inside of us all that claims to know what is best, even when the angels remind us that they are the all-knowing. But oh boy, what’s hidden in the ego is our shadow-self and its ability to convince you otherwise is strong!

Angel number 666 this is where the world exists that wants you to get trapped in the fear of emotional and spiritual immaturity. You may have experienced this already through the programmed story of “the mark of the beast”. My personal experience has been that it was my own choice to fall back and lose myself and my life to a world that’s not in alignment to creating a heaven on earth but rather in placing me in the misery of my own personal hell. It’s the warning and the awareness that what we are doing and where we are, is not in alignment to the best interest of the soul’s journey of discovery.

In channeling, I hear them speak of, “Do you want to stay stuck here so you can then tell the rest of the world how shitty the place you were headed was? Perhaps so that you can convince yourself that your personal hell is so great and how others should not go ahead because then the envy and jealousy will be fuel to your flames? Really is that what you want to do?”

That message is usually enough to inspire me to not make friends with the enemy, the shadow, and the monsters within and out there, and to keep traveling ahead. With that I wish you well, but peace out. I, like you may have found your way back to 1111 to start again or better yet to just stand up, dust off having fallen a little from grace but not from God, my faith, or the light.

With love I just keep moving ahead because 7 and beyond is waiting for us! Just like a child who receives their identity and personality by the age of 7, I want to be the one who is not getting my way and understands the importance of having to take ownership for the role I play and my behavior. It is my responsibility. I do not want to be a “little Johnny” who has a hovering voice of excuses and justifications for his bad behavior trying to explain to the world why little Johnny’s the way that he is and never has to move beyond.

Trust me we all have a “little Johnny” that’s within us but it’s not the one I aspire to let come to life, so I am thankful the guides stay on my case and as my mother use to say, “A little healthy fear of what you don’t want to be is good for you!”

The soul will remind you where it has been and doesn’t desire to revisit again, but YOU are the captain of your life so whatever direction you point to it has to go. But trust me, the soul and the team will stay nagging your ass and believe me when I say, it’s best you listen because the storms are not as fun as they may first appear. So today I wish you a pile of 7’s as they do come with good vibrations and a whole lotta luck and I pray you see the beauty that awaits you.

Much love,



Corrie Thorne is the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™ self-actualization coaching program, accompanying book(s), and the More Than Existing™ Academy of Higher Consciousness. She is an accomplished business woman, mystic, medium, channel, keynote speaker, published author, and so much more. Learn more @ www.corriethorne.com

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.


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