More Than Just a Drop Of Water

This is a droplet of water that we call rain. Funny when we look at water or taste water, we are happy and satisfied but when comes down in buckets from the sky we call it rain and we complain!

But did we not ask the universe to provide?

Nature accepts the blessing and life as it just is. Why do we need to complain? Why are we never satisfied?

The droplet landed in what we call sage that which is another part of the creation of earth. It’s just a plant to some, sacred to others, and it’s funny something that is supposed to clear the air and bring peace gives some another reason to fight and argue over what and how it is used.

If we just let it be there would be nothing to fight about but humans gave it a name, a purpose, and now there we go we want it to be all ours and the reasons, whys, and how’s will be another reason to divide.

However, to me this is more than just a picture of a droplet of water and a plant it is an image of peace, and it gave me a moment of deep contemplation to consider, “what if we could all just learn to get over ourselves and co-exist for the greatest cause of all to increase the vibration on earth, love!” Can we not just learn to love?

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.

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