Corrie Thorne-Cameron

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Why Are You Wasting Your Breath?

This may be my moment to live or to die who knows there is no guarantee.

Life is never certain, but it’s funny how we dance in certainty until we are told we should fear, then we stop and uncertainty and fear riddles the faith and we stay hopeful but cautiously look over our shoulder. We start to see the enemies in those who were once friends.

We live with such certainty and such fear simultaneously in one small little moment, but we amazingly are always planning with certainty that there will be another day and then call this hope. A world of stories, objectives and possibilities is forever upon us. We use the words hope and faith so freely as if its fine wine forgetting that anything created with love from the nectar of nature needs to be savoured.

We live in the world where hope isn’t treated with deep consideration for what it truly entails. We have honesty and faith, but where is honesty when we accept lies to just have a resolution and then just chalk that up to, “We are all just human.”

Being human is not an excuse for our behaviour and actions, we should be accountable because we are advanced beings. Love, we only know as long as it satisfies our happiness. Real, what is real? it’s just a word, but it has substance when kindness is combined with action of faithfully committing to completely inhale the moment and showing gratitude for every breath.

The beauty of the blessed moments has become all too often an entitlement of its mine for the taking, but you can take it all and still lose it all as you sleep, for nothing is guaranteed but death.

Life has its way and as much as you may believe you can change the world to have it all your way, life itself always get its way.

Cheating makes you a liar, always covering and hovering, riddled in fear, and truth sets you free, but can you ever tell a full truth, or is it just your version of a story? Life is a mystery of unknown possibilities. Why does so much of it look like a wasteland prettied up and sold as the golden opportunity or the dream?

Guarantees only come with those you buy in life, and it may breakdown many times with you desperately loving and trying to keep it alive because of a love of a desire, but in the end, there is only one guarantee, everything has an expiration date.

You can forget it, waste it, let it rot or soil. You may hold it so tight, or try to perfect this thing called life, but in the end it will come. We buy in and take the journey into this flesh, and it comes with a love and awe-inspiring desire for each breath. Then we are fed the horrors and fears of a divide of heaven or hell, and the thought of both still lead us to the same place, forgetting that this moment may be your last breath.

This is the precious moment you will never get again. The next will never be the same. We came with one mission to learn to love, and the dictionary gave it a defined definition, but in my experience what I have come to know in the story of love it does not sparkle and shine, it’s a hard-hitting truth of, “Wake the f*** k up, love and guilt are so easily mixed up!”

Free of all guilt or buying into the live shows we don’t yet know it’s deepest truths. Only in the moment you look into a baby’s eyes and after that your love story turns to defining, moulding, and creating. If we did know it, it would be free to just flow, and we would allow an unfolding with guidance and a reminder that life will sometimes hurt, and no’s will sometimes be the most honest and loving word another can give, so accept them as it sets you free. We came to be free, not with something to prove but with a lot of love to be discovered and gained.

If this is my last moment in time I want to be in love of the moment because love does not have a predetermined experience or expectation. It’s not right or wrong, it’s not in how another will fill your moment or satisfy your empty or so-called hopes and desires.

Love lives in the dark, and if you fear the darkness of the unknown, you fear the moment of love. If you fear being alone or left out, your moments will just be empty gas, grasping and gasping for a life and then calling it faith and hope.

You will always be at the possibilities that this is the end, so why do you fear? Most of all, why do you forget that the only commodity that’s going to keep you in this game, and the ones that are limited is your breath of the moment, so why are you wasting your breath?


Corrie Thorne is the Author & Founder of the More Than Existing book and accompanying self actualization coaching programs with Lightworker certification designate. Learn more @

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