Expect the Unexpected

Weekend Energy Update for Feb 14 – 16, 2025

This weekend’s energy is all about Letting Go. Allowing yourself to be in the flow with the energy. Let go of your to-do list and expectations as you ride out the storms of life.

Hello from Buchans Newfoundland. My beautiful hometown where I am from. It is one of the most amazing communities and I am grateful to be here at this time visiting with family. I am currently on Beothuk land here in Buchans. A land rich in heritage and culture.

Energy Predictions at the Macro Level

I woke up this morning and I could feel shadow energy coming in. It feels as if there is something big about to happen. I am seeing some massive storms within the earth’s energy. I am picking up some sort of big storm, or big explosion of energy. There is a wave of energy that is coming in big time during this weekend or into the week to come. This could be winter weather, volcanic, or a tsunami.

How this weekend’s energy affects us on a micro level

This weekend’s energy has a sense of plans changing. If you had travel plans, your travel plans may not go exactly as planned. You may see delays. You may see people not show up on time if you have a party. You may even be that person who is going on that first date, blind date, and being ghosted. Don’t take this energy personally. Its just the energy that is out there at this time that is carrying a high level of the unexpected.

Our direction and projection of life is changing

The energy is here to change the projection or direction of life. You may find your path being changed at this time. This may feel like the energy of a beautiful day, and then the wind comes up to blow everything over. It can feel frustrating. It doesn’t mean it foils the whole day, but it can put a damper on the day. You may find yourself putting so much effort into something and then changes happen, or things don’t work out the way you wanted them to work out.

What the energy is doing is it is teaching us about control. It is the spirit of control coming in to teach us about control, or the spirit of love coming in to teach us about how little control we truly have, and how we try to control and influence everything.

We are going to be riding this wave until after the first week of April. We have a big, powerful retrograde that is coming in that is going to push us backwards a little bit. Sometimes when we have a delay it prevents something else that is ahead. It can be hard to see that sometimes as we have a preference for what we would like to do or see happen. We become frustrated when our plans do not turn out as expected until a new awareness comes in that teaches us the grace behind the change of direction and change of plans, showing us that some of these delays are actually blessings in disguise.

The universe really does have our back more than we think! Allowing ourselves to be in alignment of the flow and movement of the energy is the true, right path for us to follow.

A Message from the Guides, Angels, and Guardians

The Guides, Angels and Guardians are telling us to let go of the wheel. Let go of the control. Let go of trying to perfect or make things be the way that we think it should be. Allow the guides to navigate the way. They have walked through this before. They have been through this before. They know this place. They know this energy. They know where you are in your earthly worlds right now. They have been there. They have experience as they have helped other people. They have all bared witness to all of this before and they know the way. They can navigate through it. They are with us guiding us through.

This weekend’s energy is all about Letting Go.

Be aware of the world reflecting back to you what you are unwilling to see or do for yourself. The energy is revealing to us how we are really behaving, and how we are acting in those moments of discomfort. When we stop, slow down, and take the breath we will see how its not really about the other, it is about embracing the responsibility for ourselves. We feel the way that we feel because we create it. We tell ourselves a story and so easily deceive ourselves. When we look at life and see things from that perspective, we can talk ourselves into anything, and how everything is going to go our way, how things are going to work out, and how we are going to have this beautiful experience, how this is going to be so perfect, and when it doesn’t go perfectly, or when things go wrong – we get mad. Anything can happen. Anything can take place.

When we try to play God, it throws things out of alignment. We want things to go as we want them to go, we want people to be as we want them to be. We are trying to create a comfort. That is not a safety. That’s trying to create what we want, to get what we want.

Getting honest about our own deception

We are here to get honest about our own deception. Deception in believing that other people make us feel a certain way, or that other people are broken, and we are all good. We create an illusion of safety by staying in our homes, only being with certain people, or staying within our own beliefs. This is a delusional way that we exist in because we don’t want to face anything that appears to be confrontational.

In truth, its not confrontational, its simply another perspective. We tend to get trapped within our own perceptions of truth. I dive deeper into this journey in “My Truth of Existing Beyond the Reflection”

There is always another truth.

Why do we hold onto truth, convictions, and control, thinking that things are all going to go so perfectly in our lives when lives have showed us repeatedly time and time again that the one truth that we had is not always the same truth? There is always another truth.

The energy of self-deception

There is a self deception energy that has been unfolding since the Full Moon in Leo. We are at a breaking point as we pull apart our stories and unravel to see a new truth. We are given the free will to do as we like with the new truths that surface. It is up to us to look at who and what we are in those experiences.

How we show up, how we react and respond matters. We will have to face levels of disappointment and dissatisfaction in order to see how we create our own stories that then lead us into being disappointed because of the expectations we place upon ourselves or others.

There are many truths, or many scenarios that are coming in at all times that can influence and affect us. When we allow ourselves to be guided by spirit, we can ask to be taken down the path to help us understand where we are. We have never been here before.

This energy is influencing us big time!

This energy is influencing us big time! It is bringing in big change. It can be very exciting, exhilarating, and powerful as we are given an opportunity to break up with our bullshit stories, and our sense of control as we push and pull trying to make things happen.

This is a time to let go and allow in the guides and angels to guide us through this weekend. Sometimes our foiled plans become the magical moments that take us towards something even better. Be open to other perspectives and views. Open your heart and your mind’s ability to see just what’s in front of your face.

Much love, Corrie

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.

Creating a beautiful life is my only way!

Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”

I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.

I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.

Much love, Corrie

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

The Power of Mediumship 6-Month Mentorship Program with Mystic, Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Classes start February 16, 2025

2025 Forecast Readings

What will 2025 bring for your astrological sign?

Combining the teachings of More Than Existing™, Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys, Modern Day Mystic, Spiritual and Emotional Consultant Corrie Thorne-Cameron alongside Inner Alchemy Devotee, Lisa Richard take you on a journey through the archetypical patterns, themes, gate activations, and inner alchemy potential to help support you to Awaken the Light Within.

From the Mystical, Magical and Angelic Realms, to exploring energy work, soul revival, and tools to support the Healing journey - We've got you covered!

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.


Caught in the Whirlwind of Life