Rock the Imperfections!
New Moon in Pisces Energy Update for February 27-28, 2025
The new moon in Pisces energy is bringing in a big change for us, so you may be feeling some of that through this new moon’s energy. We have some big alignments happening right now, and into the Spring season, as we are moving into these big shifts.
Time to clear the energy
The new moon in Pisces brings an opportunity for a turn around, helping us to regulate within the energy, but also to stir up the past so we may clear it. This is a good time to do an energy clearing and release any old energy that has been affecting you, clearing the way for communication. Set a clear intention around what you want to see in your relationships, and how you personally want to show up in those relationships.
Whenever you are clearing old energy, you may feel the not true self come to the surface. You may find yourself wanting to react, wanting to respond in a pressure to want to know a truth, or to repair a truth. It can be hard to hear your own role, how you have influenced the situation, or to hear how someone else feels about you. Its easy to portray what someone else has done onto you, or how they make you feel. Its not so easy to hear it back and to sit with those pieces of ourselves.
Glitches in the Energy
You may find a lot of glitchy things happening as we move into March and all the way into April. You may be feeling these glitches within the energy as we are riding on the winds of change. Pisces energy is known to change their mind and change directions in a split second. This may be a reflection of the Piscean energy forgetting to communicate to others what they have reached a conclusion to and figured out in their heads. Be prepare to hear “I forgot to tell you . .” and then needing to pivot on the spot.
Weather patterns
Weather patterns are being influenced by the collective human consciousness and not a reflection of Mother Earth’s shifts and changes. This means that there is human involvement with creating weather patterns as man tries to play God.
Setting an intention of faith and hope
Not everything has resolved itself and cleared. You may still be waiting for the new to unfold in your life. Trust that it is on its way and set an intention for yourself to hold onto hope and faith for what is of the highest good. There are beautiful things on the way. Change and resolutions are unfolding. See it already done.
Miracles are unfolding!
The energy is supporting moving us towards a brighter future. You may see things happening within your own life that you didn’t believe to be possible, or didn’t think could work out, yet a miracle shows up to clear the way. Things are coming into alignment to bring about change for the highest good.
Practicality and Magic
You may need to walk through the challenges of life and allow yourself to feel the frustrations, anger, and vulnerability that come with change as you move into a higher level of honesty within yourself. This is weaving together the aspects of practicality while trusting in the magic. Trust in your inner resilience to move through change and keep walking forward in faith and trust. This is a time of releasing what others may think, what they are choosing to do, and honoring the path that is authentic for you.
The Energy of Imperfection
The unedited, unaltered version of yourself is here right now and asking for you to give it a chance. We are learning to accept the imperfections and live within our messiness as we see the beauty, and awe, in the creativity. If we are waiting for perfection, we are always creating the image of something that has more false illusions and imitation light. There is magic in the messy!
Finding the way to live your truth
The energy is supporting us to shift away from living in the illusions and find the way to live your truth. Finding the way to be without the impostor syndrome. Without being the impostor in our own lives. We are here to be the truth in our own lives and live from that place.
We have awakened the shadow and the darker aspects of self, creating an acceptance of those versions of ourselves that are always chasing something. This new moon is the gateway moving us up into eclipse season where we are no longer chasing something and start truly being present in those experiences with ourselves, and those in our lives. Learning to not jump ship so quickly, running, or waiting for the perfect day or moment, but choosing to just show up.
The old paradigm of energy is collapsing
We are learning to recognize man-made verses the hot mess of the divine that comes in to move us beyond our personal desires cultivated from the old beliefs and thoughts. It may feel like we are in a time of absolute disaster, but we are actually in a time of great innovation, revelation, and change. There is an awe and beauty to be seen in the in-between. There is an opportunity here for everyone to shine bright and rise together when we move beyond the conditioned belief to be special and nurture our unmet needs. Moving beyond the need to be comfortable and seek the desire of personal happiness.
There is a movement towards balance and harmony as realness, authenticity, and honesty step forward. We didn’t need to destroy something inside of ourselves to find it. We needed to break down the perfection to allow the beautiful light that is here to show us that we all have a little bit of something within us that makes us imperfect. Just like the grain of sand in a true diamond, verses the flawless appearance of a synthetic one.
Use this new moon energy to release that which no longer serves you. (tools to support you)
Become the observer to witness that there are many perspectives and realities.
Release the stories of who you think people should be, or what they are. We are here to learn that there is something to be discovered about everyone.
Set the intention to hold onto hope and faith, trusting that all is aligning through change for the highest good.
Allow yourself to be flexible and move out of your personal comfort zone.
Remind yourself that you have gone through change before and can do it again.
Reach for creating more inner balance and harmony.
Much love, Corrie
Corrie Thorne-Cameron
Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.
Creating a beautiful life is my only way!
Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”
I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.
I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.
Much love, Corrie
The Power of Mediumship 6-Month Mentorship Program with Mystic, Corrie Thorne-Cameron
Classes start February 16, 2025
What will 2025 bring for your astrological sign?
Combining the teachings of More Than Existing™, Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys, Modern Day Mystic, Spiritual and Emotional Consultant Corrie Thorne-Cameron alongside Inner Alchemy Devotee, Lisa Richard take you on a journey through the archetypical patterns, themes, gate activations, and inner alchemy potential to help support you to Awaken the Light Within.
Published works by Author and Creator, Corrie Thorne - Cameron
From the Mystical, Magical and Angelic Realms, to exploring energy work, soul revival, and tools to support the Healing journey - We've got you covered!