Corrie Thorne-Cameron

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The Beet-Stained Drum That Beats With The Heart.

A request from the holder of a drum that has a special place in my heart to write a blog left me wondering, why? But it was a question I didn’t ask before so needed to start by clarifying whether the blog was to be about the beet-stained drum, once mine, now gifted to her. The response back from the holder of the drum vibrated loud and clear as she responded, “It’s about The Drum. Not owned by either, but owned by the collective, and used to call us home.”

A drum not of my creation, but of my heart. A drum that grabbed my attention as it hung at a spiritual event. I circled back time and time again, hesitating momentarily before allowing the heart to hold it in my hands and carry it home. A beautiful drum made of rawhide and soaked in beet juice. A beautiful reddish colour, and an instrument that would always take me back to my roots as the beat of the drum would bring forth visions of those who walked before me.

There is magic in this drum and as I sit to write I wonder, “What do I write about this drum?” Only to then realize it’s not about the drum, it’s a symbolic representation of the heart that beats in thee. The heart that beats in Mother Earth and the God above. It’s about relationships and the rhythm of flow of the relationships of our lives. Friends who are not joined by blood but yet become family. An honouring of remembering that they are not the resistance and struggles of previous relationships and that like love relationships, they take effort and work especially when on a spiritual relationship.

There is a valuable message I can give all in the vibrational energy of the drum, “Don’t hold onto the friends that beat you down, rather hold onto the ones that rise you up and encourage you to keep following the beating of your own drum. And never become a victim to gaslighting your own insecurities with what you are unwilling to clarify by creating a story and an assumption in your head.”

Many go into friendships wanting to be a martyr and when they lovingly don’t need you to be a fixer but want you as a friend, you should breathe a big sigh of relieve and not a fuck you. They are not rejecting the true you, they are rejecting the role you play as the shadow everywhere else.

The drum was a love of mine as is my friendships, so when this drum spoke and said, “Look you have two, give one away to your friend,” I didn’t hesitate, because I knew that true friends are like the beat of the drum and the beating of the heart. There is no beginning and no end, it just beats to different frequencies and in different ways. When we die the heart of the human may stop, but the heartbeat of the soul continues in the memories, wisdom, and feelings of love that will be like the feeling of the first time you hit the drum. You may not hear it, but you can still feel it!

This drum sits at the home of a friend, and I hold a smaller one that sits against my wall, and it’s okay that one is bigger and one is smaller because what’s at the centre of it is all the same. The healing, the beat, and the vibration, goes directly to the heart and to the root. Never let smallness keep beautiful friendships from keeping the beat alive. Do not live with regrets of a shallow thumping. Live in the flow and appreciate the evolution. It’s okay that there are periods of times you don’t sit in the same house, thought, story or always agree. But do remember to say a prayer and keep them in the circle because like it or not we are all interconnected.

I sent the drum to a home where I knew it would be loved and cared for with compassion and kindness, just like the friendship. I stopped closing the door to my heart and when we got into sync of the importance of accepting the human and most of all, allowing room and space to accept friendships are meant to change but the love of the heart keeps the beat going and when it comes together it becomes the dance of the rhythm and not about the drum. We will always have stains on our heart and our soul but maybe that’s the master key that catches the eye of those to come into relationships. We will always have something to give but giving it all or not giving anything will leave all relationships flat and the beat will die.

My friend knows my creative imagination would drum up a story and beat to my own flow so here you go. She asked for a blog about the drum but she is aware without expectations that I will show up and have a follow through that will look nothing like she wanted but all of what we would need, so here you go. Acceptance, allowing each other to beat to their own drum, love them anyway, and embrace the experience of watching the music in them change and beat differently. Moments to truly enjoy the fact that every day you may have a new friend with a familiar face and that’s a comfort to the heart!

Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.

She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and More Than existing is available for purchase through,, balboa Press, and Barnes&Noble.