Graciously Ambitious for 2022

This morning I woke up to many messages. Some geared towards reflections and others about grace, which I know will unfold in my future teachings. But I wanted to share a piece of the message about when we open our eyes and our hearts and move beyond the mindset of wanting to be aggressively ambitious in a world of wanting to see the value to our whys and our purpose.

When we flow with grace doing the right things for no other reason than it is kind, and because beneath our grumbling and complaining in our own mind and emotional stories, we deeply care. There is often a story that is in the feedback that gaslights the victim, the self saboteur, and feeds the narrative that keeps the stories alive. A call to action to reset my subconscious mind has been a joy and a journey I have taken. Paying close attention to the things I am asked to do by that little voice, the grumbling of the echo of the monster within and the action that comes with surprise outcomes, leaving me in awe and inspired. Those moments where I see that I, like all of us, are cared for so deeply that it’s hard to see, because the love of God required us to take action. This is how God consciousness does it with such grace.

Allowing us to believe it was all us, our idea, and that we did it with such love, that when the love and the light enters we forget that we grumbled all the way into the moment that lifted our spirit and rose us up to seek out another moment, that felt like kindness and compassion. So here is one of my experiences from a previous year.


This morning I woke up hearing a clear message about the deer you see in the photo. A deer I had found complaining, but doing what I knew was right, as I was so determined to take a stand. In the end, I caved in and did it anyway, and in walked me, right into a piece of God’s ambitious way of me being present in my divine purpose. Living in a duplex with a shared driveway, I don’t ever think twice about clearing the snow on both sides, it’s my only outing. But I always notice the garbage can next door out in the street days after garbage day, and this time I was taking a stand that I was not picking it up. Yes, complaining a little about no longer picking up anyone’s garbage. Righteously proud that I was being kind to me and making sure I wasn’t allowing myself to feel guilty if I didn’t do those things. Well, here is how that worked out for me.

A few days ago, with the garbage can still out in the street blown over and almost on my side of the driveway, I had to weave around it to move my truck. When I came back complaining under my breath, I got out and without even a thought walked over, picked up the garbage can, and as I was about to pull it back to the house, I saw a pair of little antlers coming up from the ground. I reached down to find a Christmas figurine of a deer, and prepared to throw it back with another complaint of how “I don’t want anyone’s garbage!” But I was feeling something for what I thought was this little deer. It was beautiful and not broken and everything was screaming, “Take me home.” Without another thought but feeling joy and excitement to get in the house and show my partner the newest find and story, I placed the garbage can back by the house with love and grace and said thank you for the deer that they thought was garbage but now in my hands was a magical treasure.

This morning I was guided to share this memory and look up the spiritual meaning of the deer and take its picture. As you can see in the photo its nose is glowing. It doesn’t actually glow, but the reflection captured in the photo showed exactly what the meaning is and a gentle reminder of the power of stillness in grace. God’s ambition that’s here to teach us how to exist beyond the reflection of what we have been told about the need to succeed that kills the spirit and leaves us just existing. Walking around so unaware of what we are missing, but always seeking.

According to “When Deer leaps in as your Spirit Animal it's time to be compassionate toward others & yourself. Deer as a Totem Animal belongs to those who shine the light so others may find their way home.” Reading further I started to laugh, and my heart filled with more of this childlike energy and excitement that I am coming to understand as unforced compassion and gentle kindness. No longer feeling I need to be, but I am just more at a place that’s hard to explain. My world has not gotten easier, but l have become kinder to me in a unfamiliar way. Just like the compassion I had for the deer as it speaks of ambition and grace. Even when a deer is running, it is still so very graceful.

I have learned through a moment of my aggressive action taking my stand in not picking up the garbage, God in an ambitious but graceful way walked me into a place where I needed to be and learn what I needed to learn about how I will walk through 2022 and maybe the rest of my life. The rest you can read in the link if you so choose to walk deeper by following the light.

 No matter how much I doubted, complained, tried to do things my way, or have said I was not doing certain things again. God says, “Okay, go ahead,” but still leads me back and even lets me believe it was all my idea. Because God is missing only one thing, the big ass ego that stands between us and more than existing. Living without expectation but with a sense of increased joy.

Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.

She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and More Than existing is available for purchase through,, balboa Press, and Barnes&Noble.

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.

The Beet-Stained Drum That Beats With The Heart.


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