More Than “just” Existing™️


More Than “just” Existing™️ Began as a journey of healing from cruelty that was hard to comprehend, and the biggest I found was that I was the woman who kept putting myself into the line of fire. I use to believe I could be enough to make the not so nice be nice. What I discovered was that I was my own enemy and that I was always telling myself a lie. I knew because I was gifted, but I had a spark of hope. I ignored, defended and even apologized more times than I care to remember.  I have no “sorry’s” but I have a lot of wisdom, compassion, love and boundaries. Most of all when it comes to my own mind - I will decide!

I help guide others to stand back up and not to think like me but think for themselves.

Some of my truths that I live by.

  • I could be wrong, and we could all have it all wrong, but I have found a place within me filled with possibilities. Open the mind!

  • Talking about making life changes means nothing without action.

  • Trying to look important doesn’t make you important. It leaves you kissing ass and looking pathetic. You are not a doormat and no one is more valuable than another. Stand tall and if they try to make you feel small that’s on them and not on you.

  • You will believe a story as a truth until a new story makes it a lie. So never hold a conviction without room for it to have expansion, another side, or outright a lie.

  • Red flags are the warnings, and yes you seen them but you ignored them, so you knew a truth that you did not want to see. Ownership and responsibility takes away the excuses and it helps us grow up.

  • When you want other’s to respect you and treat you kindly first you have to look at how you speak to yourself, how you treat yourself. If you are feeding yourself last than you still got it wrong!  

  • A movie and chatting about how bad people are doesn’t bring change nor will it ever break the habits.

  • Through the eyes of narcissism I seen that our desire to get what we want has a little similarity to what we say we hate the most.

  • We are not blind to a truth, we just don’t want to see the truth because we believe we are the magical one that this time will make it all better.  

  • Stop sacrificing what you can’t afford to lose to get an imitation life filled with impersonators to just project the image of the perfect life, that’s called misery!

  • Looking like an adult doesn’t make a person mature. Emotional immaturity is obvious to everyone else first! It’s called unhealthy attitude!

  • A movie is not real and unless you personally know someone you know nothing about them.

  • When you repeat another’s conversation it then becomes your story, your energy, and not theirs. That’s a projected reflection of your making.

  • I have been told I am not a fit, don’t let your feelings get hurt. There is a narrative that keeps people’s stories alive and they can’t risk that falling apart. So let’s call it what it is -The unhealthy Ego - FEAR!

  • Human behaviour will always fascinate and frustrate me but I will never go back to pretending.

I have had to make peace with the power of my ability to see beyond and loving accept that the world will always be a fascinating story book.  

More Than Existing is a story of love and healing as Corrie shares her struggles and pain narrated through the eyes and memories of the woman she is today along with the Divine channels that walk alongside her. Through learning to revisit and truly see through the eyes of others, including the so called “enemies” she released the energy tied to being a victim, and instead transmuted the trauma and pain, into an energy of love. She is no longer defined by the past, and has learned to truly see her worth, value, and importance of establishing clear boundaries as she now walks a path of More Than Existing. The journey from arriving here in human form to becoming the woman she is today has not been easy, but it has been worth every step. Readers will see themselves walking through their own stories, looking through new eyes, and applying the wisdom and knowledge shared by Corrie in learning to take ownership and responsibility for their life. This is a healing journey, when one allows themself to receive the messages and blessings embedded within every page. Corrie has developed a complete self-actualization coaching program based on the principles of learning to live a life of More Than Existing. Her deepest wish is for readers to know that they are worthy and deserve to find happiness and joy, by first understanding that this is found within each of us and not within the approval or acceptance so often sought from others.

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.

Dare To Be You


Let It All Go Free