Planting a Garden – Nourishing The Soul From The Inside/Out
As I take time this morning to reflect on planting a beautiful garden, I find myself for a brief moment thinking I should have written this yesterday while in the fullness of gratitude for having received what I thought must have been a blessing or gift, brightening my steps as I groomed the garden, singing away.
Today, what I thought to have been a blessing or a gift, has turned out to be a weed and pest in the garden of my heart and soul. A wakeup call to a reality that it was too good to be true, but I still hold onto faith and believe in miracles as I continue to plant the seeds of my dreams.
Yesterday I thought someone magically had paid off my debt as I walked around saying “Thank you,” to God and the universe, believing “Wow, I manifested that!” Today, I discovered the truth, which was that the payment to pay off the full debt was taken from the wrong account, and one that was already empty. As my Mother would say, “They can’t take blood from a turnip!” This error in repayment, was much larger than I could afford to give, and my heart sank this morning as I cried in my garden of pain. All I could see was a past that I had been neglecting, allowing the weeds to overgrow, becoming an endless battle that cannot be won in a single day.
As I took a moment to breathe, I brought my attention back to the gratitude of yesterday when all I could see was the beauty and greenery, and feeling a lightness of being free of debt. The difference between yesterday and today, was in the truth that was revealed, bringing my thoughts instantly back to only seeing what I perceive to be the weeds.
Taking the time to contemplate, I eventually made a call to inquire and understand the full picture. Yes, the debt is still real, but the gentleman answering my call on the other end of the line, helped me see the beauty in the garden once again. A beauty that came in the form of kindness and compassion, allowing me to reverse the charge and free myself of the heaviness of a burden that was too large to bare. By being completely honest and authentic, without becoming angry at the human mistake, we nourished together the garden of my heart and soul.
As my heart started to glow in love, I could feel all in my garden starting to grow. The weed is still there, but as I now look closely and continue to work at it with love, I notice that the garden is still growing and someday I truly believe the new seeds planted with love will be able to feed and nourish a world of women.
Women who just need a seed, along with a helping hand, to plant and grow the garden of their dreams.
The feelings of yesterday I will now carry today and everyday as I believe that my garden will be debt free and I know with faith that this shall be. Today as the rain pours and my tears have dried, I give back to you all that I have to give, and that is my love, hopes, and prayers that the seed of love given as a gift to you takes root and that the world we see will always have a weed, but together with enough love we will clear it out.
Today as I say my “Thank you,” I have placed a fence of gratitude around me and offer the same to you with an open invitation in love to come take as much love as needed, but please leave enough for another.
As for me, I have learned there is a place in the middle of the garden that is just for me, and God has placed a golden light of love around that one special seed because it will always be needed to be a part of the process of love.
I have planted the seeds and they have taken root. I have spent countless hours taking the action steps and cleaning out the weeds, and truly believe that one of those seeds will be magic just like in the story “Jack and the Beanstalk.”
I believe in miracles and have asked God to help me help the world, and this seed will stay watered in my garden with love. In the meantime, I hope what I can offer is able to help you as I can truly see that there are even blessings to be found in the challenges, setting us free of the weeds we believe to be bigger than they need to be.
Today and every day I say “Thank you,” to those who are always there supporting and loving me as my garden grows.
Have you planted a seed and remembered to water it with love, light and gratitude?
Photo credit: Mirka777 – Pixabay