Becoming A Better Version of Self!

March 2025 Monthly Energy Update

There is big energy, big changes, and big emotions coming in during the month of March as a transferring of power comes through. You may be feeling like you are in a horserace as we are walking through the shadow of our doubts, insecurities, and fears. But there is also the possibility of discovering new truths and greater self awareness as you are becoming more aware of the energies at play.  

There is an opportunity to be a better version of ourselves than we have ever been. That doesn’t mean we have perfected life, its that we recognize our habits and the things that stand in our way. It is a time of great innovation, creativity, being courageous, and brave as we turn to look at ourselves and life.

This is not a time to tempt fate or push buttons. Be careful of your words and how you show up in your relationships. The energy is fragile and volatile so walk with a level of caution along with a level of optimism, enthusiasm, and excitement. As we are moving through some big energy and big emotions this is a time to wait for emotional clarity before taking action. Wait for the response to come in of, “What feels right on a soul level?”

This is a time to look at where we need to clean house, get things done, clear out those closets earlier than you would have before. Make space for something new to come in. New things are on the way! Don’t loose hope and faith!

Everything we are bearing witness to, and the way people are showing up, is the way they are designed to show up. They are meant to be this. We are seeing more authenticity come to the surface and that brings imperfections. What was once done behind closed doors and then putting the mask on and showing the world what the world wanted to see to make the world feel safe and comfortable is now out in the open.

Authenticity makes a come back as the veils of illusions are falling away. Great change is messy, and it is raw. Sometimes your truest expression may not be perfect, but it is the one that needs to appear and needs to show up. Be in the moment and in the experience.

Powerful healing energy as Health comes to the forefront

This is a time of bringing to the surface health issues and that which is needing to be healed and resolved. A time for discovering hidden health issues and finding out causes as the energy is here to support finding the right team for the healing that is needed. Some will go through one experience to discover something else is happening. Sometimes our most difficult and challenging experiences prepare us to be who we need to be in our future.

You may be answering a big call

The future is now calling us. You may be called in for a new journey or new experience, or to be a support in someone else’s life. The world is changing in big ways. There is big energy, big emotions, and big changes on its way.

Get things done during the month of March! Don’t procrastinate

Don’t procrastinate during the month of March. Get those things done that need to be done as April will be bringing forward strenuous energy. This will be harder and more challenging to work through for some. Journeys are coming to a completion in March. Truths are coming up about who we are, and how we show up. We are having to face ourselves and truly look at who we are. If you are having big emotions and big emotional moments, you may be called to really look at and see yourself along with what else is going on.

Full moon in March

There is a split, division, divide happening where you are finally free of something as you dive into eclipse season. We are in a portal of going through a flickering of dark and light as we travel through to meet ourselves. This is a good time to do some serious self inquiry and connect with your authenticity. This will follow us through as we shift into the Aries Season.

Completion of Pisces Season and Entering into Aries Season

March moves us through the completion of Pisces Season and into Aries Season. Moving from the 12th House in the Zodiac Wheel into the 1st House. A time of endings and beginnings.

Aries brings in a big personality energy as it does a come back. Its energy is redefined as Aries received some upgrading since Pluto entered into Aquarius. If you are an Aries Sign you have been upgraded, leveled up, and you are going to be feeling the big shifts. We have a big give back and come back energy as we move into Aries Season.

Medical Upgrades to the Healing Industry

A new revelation in a medical device, or scanning unit such as an MRI, is revealed. Announcements will be release on what this new technology can do for us. The healing industry (spiritual, emotional, medical, energetic) is receiving upgrades and shifts and changes coming into all of the healing world. We are seeing a much more integrated and relatable kind of energy that is for everyone. You may see a lot of money being thrown into growing the healing establishments (not the pharmaceutical or science) but growing hospitals, healthcare, and stepping deeper into the importance of spiritual and emotional healing. There is a sense of help and support coming forward.

An Influx of Pregnancies

Babies being born during this time are getting an upgrade. They are extra bright. If you have been on the fertility journey, this could be the energy that could bring about the next generation of children. You are going to see an influx of women choosing to have babies, and getting excited about having babies. The seeds have been planted as a freshness of truth energy comes in.

A Message for Virgos and Libras

Those who have their sun sign in Virgo or Libra will be experiencing the influence of this energy a little differently then most other signs. You may be feeling like an outsider to the collective energy. It feels different because you are going through a different healing and different experience. It is your turn for an upleveling or upgrade. Its like you are going into the body shop or the carwash as everything that is no longer serving you is being washed away. There is a big clearing as secrets are revealed around problems that have been plaguing you for along time.

Changes to the automobile world

There is a come back of what was on its way out, is finding its way back in”, but upgraded with new ways to do things. It’s a time to get into the industry, getting it back up and going so we will see activity in factories, jobs, and new beginnings. Its easy to get greedy when these things start to grow and evolve. This is not a time to let greed get in the way. There is a return of some of the old, but much more advanced than it used to be.   

Financial Shifts – Be mindful of fear stories

There is a big shift happening in our financial world. The energy in the collective consciousness is trying to tell us that we are going to be poor, that you will never be able to afford anything, that is the fear story! On the other side of that fear story – there is more than there ever was. It is accessible and available but how much do we really want it? Its not about forceful energy its about communicating back to see the fear as not a truth. There is some truth, but its not the only truth. The energy may be happening over there, but it doesn’t mean it is happening everywhere.

Eruptions and Corruptions

We are going to see a geographical shift where a lot of people will be going home. What this means is still unclear. We are entering a time of the death of the ego. You will see big people (positions of power) losing their status and falling down as things come to the surface. Secrets are being exposed. Online sights will be revealing new truths.

Time is speeding up.

This year will be over before you can blink. We are pulling a plug and there is a lot going down the drain to be purified and returned to us as love. We are here to see these changes happening within our world, and our lives, as we are experiencing life. We are experiencing life in real time and not hidden and disguised. Its not about the performer and performing by putting on the mask, its about letting the real be seen. We are now seeing truth and less of the lie, but because we are seeing a version of a truth in real time many want to go back to the lies. Once you see, you cannot unsee.

Reflection Questions – Grab your journal!

March is a time to get clear on what you are chasing.  Who was that for, and is it really of your truth, or of your soul’s happiness? Are you chasing the desires of your shadow or of your true light? What does the light require of you?

  1. If you could live your best life what would your best life look like / feel like?

  2. What did you push away out of your life that you really wanted?

  3. What did you push away that you really enjoyed, and really worked for you?  

  4. What are your priorities for this month?

Much love, Corrie

Card Reading for the Month of March from The Everyday Goddess Oracle Cards, by Corrie Thorne-Cameron

“Awareness of Truth” Corrina

“If you have been longing your whole life to be you, then why continue to be something or someone you are not? What if those waiting for you have been truly waiting for you, and not you appearing as someone or something you are not?”

“The Guardian” - Willow

“Why do you need to see to believe? If you could see the you that we can see, you would never doubt yourself again. Stand tall and stay true to your truth, knowing you are surrounded by love. You may just have to bear the seasons of life, but do know you are not alone. Please don’t forget to ask.”

“Forever Yearning” Luna

“Yearning and yawning both take effort, but yawning releases and yearning holds onto the energy. Maybe what you’re yearning for, you already received but it just doesn’t look like you thought. What if when the light is shining you are afraid to fully open your eyes to see with a new perspective?”

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.

Creating a beautiful life is my only way!

Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”

I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.

I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.

Much love, Corrie

2025 Forecast Readings

What will 2025 bring for your astrological sign?

Combining the teachings of More Than Existing™, Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys, Modern Day Mystic, Spiritual and Emotional Consultant Corrie Thorne-Cameron alongside Inner Alchemy Devotee, Lisa Richard take you on a journey through the archetypical patterns, themes, gate activations, and inner alchemy potential to help support you to Awaken the Light Within.

From the Mystical, Magical and Angelic Realms, to exploring energy work, soul revival, and tools to support the Healing journey - We've got you covered!

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.

Creating Your Heaven on Earth


Are you done hiding your true self?