The Spirit of Truth and Fairness

Full Moon in Cancer Energy Update | The Spirit of Truth & Fairness

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From The Heart Of Corrie

There was, and then there was not, an energy update for the 1/11 Energy Update then again on 12th we experience another shift as the nodes make a big shift. This was unpredictable but predictable. I simply didn’t double check on the one thing that keeps happening. I assumed, when I should know by now, not to assume. The madness of repeating a habit that’s on me, but not in my control. Yet it is my responsibility because I know it happens from time to time and because of this I need to double check the sound every time.

That’s how empowerment works, accountability and responsibility! And now there is no video for either the 11th or 12th but a teaching, a realization and an opportunity.

Allow me share more… 🙈

Yes, I sure did record a really interesting update! It was empowering and I had channeled messages regarding all that has been in my predictions that have now become reality. I posted the message on YouTube as I was rushing out the door for a long overdue class that was to be a day to escape the world. The world I don’t get to often escape fully as I feel and connect to the energy and spirit, and that energy is always communicating.

In my rush to share the video, I didn’t realize that once again I had recorded another channeling with no sound. I have no idea why my zoom app automatically changes my audio settings but there we were once again with another message that I cannot get back. There is no redoing the messages as nothing is written and all is received and recorded that very moment and then gone from my memory.

I have no idea what’s ever in my messages unless someone references something and I then go back to check it out. I am receiving each message shortly before you most of the time. All I have remaining of the channeling from the 1/11 is the video cover of what once was that. A cover that apparently is those things that are supposed to help your channel look like everything else, a part of the programming of what’s acceptable and not. (Insert eye roll right here)🙄

So, allow me to share a from the heart moment that’s transpired from my week of listening, following spirit, and my ability to see beyond and witness the world from this born-this-way awakened mystic who is as human as everyone else.

The 1/11 portal was a shift in energy and it was an empowering shift in energy. Just like the universe was saying, “Okay now go!” Which walks us into the forces of the shifting of the nodes into Pisces and Virgo on the 12th and the Cancer full moon on January 13th.

So beyond the vision of my creativity to what’s happening and through the voices of the spirit of truth,  I have zero desire to amuse the earthly shadows. We are stronger when we have ourselves put together, not scattered and chasing every little desire and whim. Not creating more hate and destruction. When we allow time for a vision to move from just a vision into a reality, to nurture our truths and not to discount or compare the hurts, the visions, and the truths of realities, but to recognize one solid truth. How we approach life matters!

What we think, what we believe could possibly not be a full truth. What we can count on is our own light, our intuition, and not our programmed values.

This light is inspiring us to see that having compassion for one does not mean we are forgetting another. But there is a reality that fairness and flexibility is not always present. What’s highlighted and what can be the biggest empowerment move is to see how fairness, compassion, and connection can create a balance and more flexibility in the thoughts and ways, not just in the world but within ourselves.

To be fair to myself, I would have not so long ago beaten myself up and recorded another video out of desperation, self-criticism, and losing all sense of my deeper truth.

I have come along way.

When I seen the message of there being no sound. I looked forward out the window towards the old Ford Escape that feels like my own Mercedes because it gets me where I need to go. Looking at the lights shining through the window reminding me of where I had just been. I thought back to how great my day had been. How I clearly had a vision of myself that was not separate from all of who I am, including my strong and weak qualities. I was no longer going to war with any version of myself who simply was doing something right.

I am nurturing the good and freezing out the old negative thoughts that never originated from me and empowering the thoughts that are truly mine. I was not at some big day of empowerment, or of obvious great transformation, I was learning more about reading tea leaves. Looking down into a cup with a small group of women. Not solving anything, but seeing each other and remembering how many women hid their gifts but yet transformed their lives, gained clarity, or became connected no matter their differences while sitting at a table drinking their tea and looking down into their cups. Knowing they could not change the minds of those who were stuck in a belief. Realizing that they could see not each other, but that they could see how it would all play out and that their peace was in knowing that what they knew all along was a right truth.

Life could be so much simpler when our thoughts are flexible and fair. If there was a fairness that would override the voice of the inner enemy first.

The love empowered by compassion does not divide us, not even from ourselves.

Much love,


Available within the More Than Existing™ Academy of Higher Consciousness

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.

Creating a beautiful life is my only way!

Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”

I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.

I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.

Much love, Corrie

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.

Predictions continue through 2025


January Energy Update