The Way to Pure Intentions

February 2025 Energy Update

January 2025 brought us through a lot of moving pieces as we are moving and shifting within us. There were so many elements of surprise and quick shifts and you might be feeling exhausted if you were trying to plan and take on too much at the start of the year. A lot will continue to unfold during February as there continues to be a lot of new shifts taking place. We are now into the New Lunar Year which brings us into the energy of the Wood Snake in Chinese Astrology.

I will always stand in my conviction that there is so much power in staying in the middle instead of stacking everything into one story, or one side of things. It can be so easy to get caught up in only following one way, one style, or in knowing only one thing. When this happens we can get lost and not see what else is happening.

Become the observer! Lets choose to look in at things, opening our minds to perspectives and walk around all things. Look at all things, listen to all different scopes, receive different pieces of information before putting everything together. This is an important part of how we are meant to be able to exist. Its so easy to get lost in one fear story, or get caught in one fear story, and we have a lot of fear stories that are playing out right now.

January ended with a very positive new moon in Aquarius. Pluto is now in Aquarius and we are in Aquarian Season (Explore the Teachings of Aquarius Season here). We have all this Aquarian energy that is here to help influence us. When we feel like things are set in stone, or when we don’t see a way beyond, thinking that things cannot change, or cannot be resolved, the magic comes in and shows us it can happen. Its the energy that brings about another turn of the tides, blending it into this movement of shifting energy and into the Year of the Snake. This is where we can feel a sense of “anything can take a twist or take a turn towards something good.”

When things in our life are transitioning and going through changes it can be hard to see the destiny as seeing the sunshine, or seeing things as being organized and put together. It can be difficult to see things working out for the highest good. It can be so easy to get lost in feeling like there is no way this is going to happen.

The energy that is coming in can have us settling for, and making decisions too soon, or jumping to conclusions too soon. It can be so easy to follow the pack, or to get lost in the fear. Remind yourself that you do not need to follow along. You don’t have to make a decision right now or do anything right now. It is OK to wait and trust in your body’s awareness of that NO! Give yourself permission to sit back and wait. Hold out until you get the call, feeling out the energy inside of yourself. Wait until you get the clear knowing before jumping into action. You will know when it is go time for you!

Much love, Corrie

February Highlights

  • February brings in a new energetic thought process encouraging us to slow down and wait before jumping in.

  • 2025 Predictions are unfolding (Watch the 2025 Energy Update, Forecast & Predictions video here)

  • February brings in opportunities. Make space to allow for the new to come in. It will be important to remain flexible and adaptable to change. Don’t over-schedule!

  • Before committing to relationships take the time to examine why you are wanting to jump back in. Cycles may be trying to repeat themselves. Ask yourself, “Is the person I am today really wanting that relationship?”

  • Finding the correct relationship is surfacing in the energy throughout February, along with breaks that are occurring within relationships this year that need healing.

  • This is a time for setting pure intentions (not motivated by fear, lack, or trying to prove oneself) in order to gain the clarity needed to move forward. Spirit is assisting! (22:48)

  • Complete those projects that have been taking up space! Now is the time for completion of those things that you have been putting off. Clean up the loose ends!

  • What is your greatest fear story that stands in the way of your purist of intentions? (26:30).

  • Destiny is calling you! Clear space, clear the mind, clear the emotions in order to hear the call from the purist of intention.

  • Be aware of F.O.M.O (Fear of Missing Out) and how that influences your ability to trust in your truest self. The collective consciousness influences the energy. Stillness connects you back to your truth. (32:00)

  • The Hall of Ignorance verses the Hall of Learning (discussed in more depth within the 6 month Mediumship Mentorship Program starting in February 2025) (35:00)

  • Don’t be afraid to move away from the pack, and the activism, in order to hear your truth.

  • You can’t hear the greater wisdom when you are so consumed, and so caught up, in everything else that is happening. (38:00)

February Reflection Questions

  1. Who would you be with no story?

  2. What would you do if there was no pressure?

  3. What would you believe if no other beliefs were coming in to influence you?

  4. If you couldn’t hear the fear stories, and you had the freedom to create only your own thoughts, what would those thoughts be? What would it look like?

The Power of Mediumship

The Power of Mediumship 6-Month Mentorship Program with Mystic, Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Enrolment is now open! Classes start February 16, 2025

Exploring the Teachings of Aquarius Season - 2025 Forecast Reading

Themes for 2025 "Breakthroughs / Breakdowns, Madness / Weirdness"

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Modern-day Mystic | Writer | Inspirational Storyteller | Channel | Psychic Medium | Lightworker & Mentor | Spiritual Teacher/Coach | Consultant & Healer.

Creating a beautiful life is my only way!

Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”

I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.

I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.

Much love, Corrie

From the Mystical, Magical and Angelic Realms, to exploring energy work, soul revival, and tools to support the Healing journey - We've got you covered!

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer.

Mediumship is a Healing Process


The Wisdom of the Midpoint