This year my Christmas season looks and feels a whole lot different and as I receive the messages from the Divine they are not warm and fuzzy, but they are filled with love. Said simply, “Don’t try to create something that’s not there.”
There is one thing that’s always present and that is spirit. I can still feel the spirit of Christmas. I can feel the purity of love. But there is no need to wear a mask to hide a truth.
I am a little sad, and if sad, why supply the sad with more of that which is like salt in the wound?
I didn’t bring in the family traditional decorations. The decorations from 1st Christmas’s and past memories. I left them packed away. I am aware that I am sad. I am aware of all that we have experienced this year and that this year Christmas looks a little big different than before.
Yet, I have in other experiences been here before having first experiences.
What I have come to know is not to mask and pretend, but also not to shutdown and hide away. I simply do something a little different while still remembering what it is that sparks my inner joy.
Joy is a switch that goes on and off but never leaves us. I choose to still ignite the switch and feed my sadness a spark of sparkle and joy with a tree made in the resemblance of my true identity because the spirit is still present, even though life is simply changing.
Morning and night I turn on the lights and I smile because the pride of a Mother and Grandmother is still also happy to see my family out in the world shining their little lights to those who had to spend many years feeling how I feel today when I had to make a big move way back when.
The lights are on and love is so present and it’s okay to do things a little bit different, and it’s okay to smile even when sad because that little spark is always being fueled by something with a bigger plan.
Merry Christmas,
Corrie Thorne-Cameron.