Corrie Thorne-Cameron

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How Do I Open My Heart?

How simple it is because we were born of love, wide open and available to receive, but life closed us up upon each harsh word or disappointment at a time. In theory it should be so simple to just open our hearts, but getting there can be so complex because we have many stories that say to go back and hide.

Moving beyond the conditioning of hearing, “That’s not nice,” to a little girl who did not want to give up her precious hugs. Moments that should have been saved for those who would guard her heart as if it was the most special treasure upon this earth. 

Then the undignified patterns that would spread the fibers of integrity in self-trust. Experiences that felt right or wrong, of where you were trusting the voice of the heart, but the voice outside would tell you, you were so wrong. 

The action called ‘teaching’ to move beyond the shaming of the role that was echoed with, “That’s your job.” As if a child should be expected to take the leadership role and responsibilities in the places where the emotionally immature adults are incapable of doing. Intentionally and unintentionally the heart that should be nurtured, given love, encouragement, and a voice, is often guided to stop beating in sync with the body. That feeling of doubt, uncertainty, and being afraid is speaking more than labels of, “She is shy or stubborn.” The push on the back to go on should not have guilted you but supported you.

Today I have great love and respect to the rebel that started to fight back even though I had to love her enough to allow her to fade to the back and walk with me through my light to heal. She is no longer in front of me showing up as strong and courageous because she listened to the words of, “Suck it up, you are the strong one!” I believed those words and they have had a truth that carried me and my heart that I thought was open for way too many years. I thought I was playing the archetypical role of The Lover but I was the punching bag, doormat, and sponge to accepting the behavior that was so far from any truth I would come to find out.

My heart started to hurt so bad that it cracked all the way open, and the pain transformed to love that became light. That felt as if I had died, and God gave me wings to leave all that hurt so much that it was bleeding out of me wanting to inspire everyone else that they were worth all the love in the world.

Guilting and shaming children into being kind and compassionate towards people and situations that do not feel right to the body, to go against their own instincts started the beginning stages of closing our heart. Feeling that the over giver is the love/ lover archetype characters we play in the role of our adult situations.

As I saw the world beneath my feet, as I was leaving earth, I knew that the weightless feeling was not that I didn’t care if I lived or if I died, but that I cared enough to discover what it was to love and be loved.

To be loved came as the reminder that as I saw the hands on my back pushing me or playing with me might guilt and shame me to carry the pain of others or to step back into where everything was saying not to go. I felt my body let out a big scream and my heart felt a release and a voice with no words appeared. I knew in that moment my NO’s would become a truth of not living and existing in guilty compassion and forced kindness.

The fall was not a fall from grace, that I had been doing everyday based on the conditioned mind. This was a fall into grace and a knowing that the divine had given me the choice to choose. Would I start to be kind and compassionate towards myself without guilt or shame of a conditioned belief that “It’s the right thing to do.” At my back is not the hands pushing me into what does not feel right, because that hurt I know to be so great. It was the wings of love and true strength that the courage to live with an open heart is to care enough that the kindest decisions and choices I would make would be because it feels right for the healed and healthy woman I have become today.

That’s how this heart of mine opened long after I was the healer, the lover, and inspiration for everyone else. It’s the moment I fell into the allowing of trusting God would show me the image of true love with every breath I would now take.

To first open your heart, find the places and spaces where you feel safe and allowed to spew it all out even if it doesn’t make sense. A place of none judgement and a voice with sincere eyes that say the most comforting words, “I believe you and I trust in you.” These words and that comfort allow the space to grow and to possibly come to a new truth, opening our eyes and our hearts. Then opening new doors and opportunities where we had not dared to have walked before because we became incapable of fully trusting in ourselves, and we stopped believing in the power within us to live from the place that would bring the most joy and least resentment from the heart. Not saying it will not come without mistakes and wrong choices, but at least we start to believe that the kindest thing we can do for ourselves is to learn to trust in our own self.

Corrie Thorne is an Intuitive/ Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment / Lightworker Coach. A published author, and creator of The More Than Existing™ book & self-actualization coaching program who has developed her own relaxed style of helping people discover and move beyond the past history in life that is not serving their highest good.

She uses her skills as a past life healer to guide clients into a meditative state to explore the past and cut the cords to the events that have come forward to now. Corrie is also a Reiki Master/ Teacher who has used this technique to help promote self-healing and clear the chakras. Teaching is a passion that Corrie loves to do! She takes the opportunity to teach as a way to share the knowledge that she has accumulated over the many years of studying and developing her skills. Explore more of Corrie’s work and passion @, and More Than existing is available for purchase through,, balboa Press, and Barnes&Noble.